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8 months  had come and gone in a blurred feverish daze of gluttony and excess. For Lacie’s part, she seemed equipped with an endless array of inventive methods for stuffing Scott’s gut with a seemingly beyond impossible amount of calorie ridden fat. To Scott’s horror with each passing week, it had grown harder and harder for him to carry and maneuver his incredible bulk. As the month’s passed, Scott could do little more than obey her every command: squeezing into van’s for lectures, and scientific observations, glutting himself on new “advanced weight gain formulas” entertaining a wide array of what he months, earlier would have considered to be wildly inappropriate pokes, prods, and examinations, all with the assistance of Lacie’s eager and excited interns. He was growing numb to the routine of it all, forced to wait in panic for the inevitable day to arrive

Finally, entering the third week of the 8th months since lacie’s prediction, while attempting to make his way to the toilet, he found that he simply could not rise from the stool. He shouldnt have been surprised, considering his stomach had touched the floor last month and he had been forced to wheel it in a cart or let it drag on the ground. Still, He grunted, groaned and thrashed inside his massive wobbling prison of a body, but only succeeded in wobbeling and jiggling ridiculously. His inflated oozing ass remained glued to the reinforced stool he would come to call home.

Finally, as panicked realization began to overtake him, he resorted to calling out for help. But when the intern lab assistant arrived to see the state he was in, she was too thrilled in the moment to offer any help. Indeed the whole team had been waiting for months for this day to arrive, when Lacies immobility prediction would be proven correct. Instead of acknowledging him, she giggled with joy and sprinted out of the room and returned a few minutes later with a beaming Lacie, and the six remaining assistants, all thrilled and proud at their accomplishments. Lacie began taking pictures while the others moved around the struggling titanic blob of a boy in aw, too focused on his massive boday to even hear his pleas for help. Scott’s transformation had continually shattered their wildest expectations, and this was indeed a new titanic milestone which they had been eagerly anticipating: complete lack of mobility. Lacie, theatrically pulled out her clipboard, and placed a huge check mark in black sharpie under the long list of changes scott would experience on his weight gain journey. “ and a whole week ahead of schedule!”

“What do we do now?” asked an eager intern

“Yeah. whats next?” Chimed in another

“Welll…” said Lacie, dramatically… she loved the way she could keep her audience entranced. “ The state college board gave us funding for another 6 months…” Scott felt the blood leave his face. “What do you say we step it up a notch and see just how fat we can make this pig in that time??”

The interns roared with approval and excitement “YEAAAHH!”

Amidst the laughter and cheering, Scott caught Lacie’s eye, and saw something he hadn’t seen before… There was a devilish look on her face, and… a knowing grin? With the assistants focused on their next tasks, she eyed him up and down. He felt utterly exposed. She looked like she might approach him to say something, when…

“This calls for a celebration,” someone called out. “Oh! I have champagne!” “I know!” said another” Let’s buy a cake for our pig!” They all laughed and cheered.

“That’s a great idea!” exclaimed Lacie, pulled from her former state, and back to her giddy ditsy nerdy self.

A half hour later, they arrived with a 10 pound sheet cake, which they pureed in the industrial blender with heavy whipping cream. They sipped their champagne as  the remaining interns loaded the liquid cake into a bag, and fed the hose into his mouth. He could now consume 60k calories in one sitting.



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