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Craig felt odd, as he sundered in the direction Brittany ushered him. He felt like he was moving through some other planet's viscous, high gravity atmosphere. Even with Brittany's assistance, each step he took required all of his strength. He realized that without her help, he likely would not be able to make even this short distance alone. He convinced himself that he was trapped in some nightmare. That seemed to be the only possible solution. They walked past other guests, and employees of the restaurant, all of whom stopped what they were doing to gawk at the site before them. Craig, overcome with the exursion of walking, trudged onward uncertainly.

"W-Where <GHASP> are you <UUURRP> taking me?!" Brittany was beside herself with glee. She had used the potion before, but never with such remarkable results. It meant that Craig was supremely greedy. She smiled at the poetic justic of it all. His life would surely never be the same.

"Patience, big boy! We're almost there! I have something I want to show you! I think you're going to love it" Finally, in a dark area of the restaurant, she stopped, and positioned him in front of a long standing mirror. Craig looked on at the horrendous site before him, a man so titanically huge, that the bare act of standing unaided seemed a miracle. In an instant, Craig realized that the figure before him was his own reflection. He couldn't speak at first, but instead began to explore the new rolls and bulges of his behomth body, quivering and jiggeling at the slightest of movements. He was suddenly pulled from his state of denial. "B-b-b <BURRRRP> but my looks! <GHASP> <WHEEZ> My <UURP> body! My fans!" Even in this state, Craig's greed presented itself, and the potion inside him reacted accordingly

There was a sudden sludgy gurgeling sound emminating from Craig's middle, and Craig saw in horror, as his already massive flabby belly continued to grow before his very eyes, surging outward, and sagging heavily as it rounded over his tight waist band. Craig looked pleadingly around at the other customers, some of whom had pulled out their cellphones to record the scene before them.

It was at this point, that Brittany could contain her excitment no longer. She buckled over and cackled a good witchy cackle. These were the moments she lived for: The terror in his eyes, the realization that his future life would look nothing like the life of privelage he enjoyed before this, the way he looked pleadingly at her for some kind of help.

A monstrous gurgle erupted then from Craig's middle, so powerful that his body physically shuddered, and he clutched at his sides, his flabby arms sinking into the new accumulation of fat around his middle. "Oh god,", he thought, as another rumble sounded forth. He knew this feeling well.

Brittany's face lit up, and she stared at the pathetic pig man before her, her eyes lingering on his impossibly massive gut. "I don't believe it!" She said. "You're still hungry??" She laughed, in near hysterics now as another gurgle sounded from Craigs belly, a look of terror in his eyes. "You might be the greediest boy I've ever met, and its perfect because soon you'll have the body to show for it!!" She grabbed Craig's chubby hands, and rushed him eagerly back to the seating area. "Well! You're in luck, because you haven't even tasted our dessert yet!"



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