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Hello everyone, here's some basic information to get you started with BEWARE:

First, you can download v006/v006VR, v008P and Region 7/9, this will give you a glimpse of some of the gameplay that will be in the full game.

At this moment, v006, v006VR offer the most gameplay in terms of missions and car-chase action. Consider reading posts  from v002 to v006, to get informed about how to access them.
I've also recorded some drivethrough videos should you need any help: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0ldnTtweJzS3afFfWnKTlPtliHbz0oyF

In the start menu (v006 & v006 VR), you can press "r", which will display 2 additional progress savepoints. For loading one of those, click once on the desired savepoint, then click once on "Play".

[NEW!] Additionaly you can download v012/v012VR which showcases the complete map, enhanced graphics, new car physics with controller & ffb wheel support.

Thank you for your vital support!!



Adam Lovelace

wish we could add real cars in game (licensing i know ;( butstill love this

Adam Lovelace

any chance this get on steam (under early access?) anytime with in next year or so? thanks!


don't know if it's possible but could you make a version that runs on chrome os, because i have a acer gaming chromebook and i would like to play on here.


Hi. Any update? Would bei nice.


What's the vision for this game. I loved the surrealistic vibe of the early demos - with the rabbits and all the crazy stuff. Where is this going? The last year's been much about driving mechanics and all that kind of stuff. I don't care about that. If i want a rally game there are plenty already. I want the surreal insane scary stuff. The disturbing drive-in movie was the reason i started supporting this project. It's been several years now. Should i be continuing my support?


I understand the current driving-related progress may feel somewhat boring but these are necessary basic building blocks. Even in my most surreal short films, I always started by building the world and overcoming animation-related technical issues before populating it with content and story. It's similar here - so yes, the rabbits and other surreal elements will be back. Right now, with the full map and basic enemy behavior done I can finally start imagining how everything will fit together and how to convey the story using additional metaphors and symbols.


Question is this current update encompass all of the other map aspects from previous updates? Or would i need to get all the parts.


Content-wise, I'd recommend v006, v008 Preview & region 7/9. v012 has the complete map and now enemies too.


Question - I know its hard to say as of right now. But what is your goal year to release the game?


Hello! I had an idea. for your earlier concept drawings of farm equipment and AI, maybe you could have them spewing a large effect polluting black smoke as they chase you. It could add to the intense polluted feel of the game.


Either i'm an idiot or i just cant download things, but when i do i get no chases or music at all.


V011 has no enemies and no chase music. In v012, two enemy cars are chasing you, but there is still no music.


what is the best version to play on with the most gameplay but still car chases


I used to play a lot with v007 as it has the biggest map and events before v011. Although, as I saw in some posts, Ondrej used to recommend v006 as well.


For some reason it won't update each month I'm stuck on v001 and I want v002 and 3 and 4 and so on.


why there is no music in chases?

Nigel Russell

yea im sorry to do this to you i need to remove myself from patreon having money issues here things are way to expensive at the min but i hope the game works out ok ill keep and eye out im what's going but i need to revoke money on patreon sorry man. if thing get better ill re support you ok

Nigel Russell

if you get this i need to pull out for the time being things are getting so expensive here for now but i hope the game works out ok..if things get cheaper ill re support you but for the time being i have to move out ( been its fun been around here since 2018 hope all goes well) love you man hope all goes well.


Unfortunately, I will have to do the same thing. I hope you will relaese this game soon, considering how much work and time effort you have put in it. I also started following you from 2018. But joined quite late in the terms of a patreon membership. Once again, I hope everything goes well, and I hope to see this great game come out one day. Until then, goodbye.


Hi. I also stop funding you at the moment. until I see some updates again I will come back to support your work.


Hey Nigel, no worries at all! You've already supported BEWARE a ton :) And yes, life got expensive here too - food & petrol almost double here... Best wishes to you, Ondrej


No worries :) You already supported with > 30$, so in any case you'll get the full game upon release and you still can access the upcoming patreon updates - just send me a private message and I'll send you the liks. O)


I have to say farewell as well i mean im going to have to go cheaper on the funding side im not going to stop because you seem to be an amazing dev and are doing an amazing job... i cant wait to see this in full release

Bryson C Greene

You should definitely make the next update have more basic features like the chase music working, and also a map of the whole world would be really awesome that would give me a lot more incentive to get in the game and explore. Not gonna stop funding, keep up the work I love the game!!!


Hello Ondrej, I hope everything is fine! So towards the end of the year, when the weather gets colder and foggier, I think about Beware too much. :D Just thought I'd ask what are the main things currently in development? I've seen these little animations on Twitter showing birds flying up, but I assume something else is developing in the background.


Hi Ondrej , I recently sub into your patreon and tried the most recent game and it's really fun and spooky at the same time


Hello Ondrej, an end-of-year update would be great, if possible. Take care.


Hey bro! Another driving game called Pacific North released and I'm trying to use it to get people to check out BEWARE! What's the progress?


It feels impossible to lose the goons. They are always following me


Is there any way to get a Thrust master t128p to work with the game? I tried but I couldnt figure out how to get it to work.


i got the wheel to work, but my screen blacks out and my fans go full speed, ima try to clean it out and apply some more thermal paste, ill update soon.


same thing happened to me with a failed PSU. Stopped happening after.


this is really helpful, thank u! :)

Nigel Russell

i think i have more then 500 hours playing beware up to yet.

Mr. Metzger

Played the first versions months (years?) ago and really loved the atmosphere as well as the challenging driving (which of course contributes to the tense atmo). Then the game slipped off my radar, so I am really glad to have read about the recent update and its accompanying teaser trailer, leading me to this Patreon. The automated vehicles shown in the teaser look and sound really awesome, neat design :-) Read through all the posts and must say it's great to see you always kept at it despite various challenges! Now, I am looking forward to diving into this dark and grim world again. I just hope I can re-adapt to not having a co-driver giving me directions all the time ;-)


I've been using Beware as an example of a 1 person indie team development for my video game classes. Also as a reference for its quite specific artistic direction. The initial image of headlights reflecting off wet pavement through your rear view mirror is quite striking and unique.


Dear Sir, can you update the dead links ? Best regards.


Had an old BEWARE_v000 download from 2018. Sub for one month $7 to get your recent work. Can't wait for the finished product.


do dalsi verze dej jednoduchy rezim ktery by sel nastavit, myslim to tak aby jim bylo jednodusi utect, nebo rezim ktery by ty lidi co te honi vypnul, neumim to napsat anglicky


Hello I have just joined. If I understand correctly, we can test maps separately but for the moment we cannot move from one map ( ex : v006 ) to another one within the same run ? If I misunderstood please help, thanks !


You can't because currently each map is like a separate game.


Thanks a lot for this explanation!


Heya. Any updates on the progress and the vr part? :)

Nigel Russell

any updates dude ? hope you are still ok man


where are you ?


Hey i hope you are doing well, the download links in previous posts do not seem to be working for me. It says "Sorry, this transfer has expired and is not available any more". Could you please check them? Thanks


Hi, I noticed alot of your old files tend to expire after a while, and people keep asking you to refresh the links everytime. I was wondering if you had considered putting them on Google Drive? I've seen a lot of projects made available through that and I don't think they've had any trouble with expired files. It's possible you already decided against doing that so sorry if thats the case. Also I'm not entirely sure but I think there's ways to limit who can access the files if that was the biggest problem. Main reason I ask is because I was interested to play each release one after the other to see how the development progressed, and I felt bad asking you to refresh each upload separately :|


Have been thinking about alternatives - possibly soon as the new updates will be > 2Gb. If you want to re-visit older versions I've refreshed links for v002, v003c, v004 and v005 :)


Can you find an alternative to Wetransfer, they are unreliable.


Thanks, all good now! Fully recovered, except sense of smell... Now finishing work on v011 :)


Happy to see that you are okay. Hope your sense of smell returns back soon.

Nigel Russell

with all the crap that is going on in the world i hope you are ok

Nigel Russell

i did send you an email but i dont know if its the right one


Hey boss, links expired again

Nigel Russell

just an update he is ok..had an email from him not to long ago. man i wish this crap would end with Ukraine its unfair.


Hello, Just sucribed, can you upload the download link again ? please ? Or maybe someone have it ?


Yeah just joined myself looking for a download link as well


seen igp play this.. you've peaked my interest sir


Glad that IGP featured this! Needs more visibility.

Nigel Russell

yea i have no idea were he is at the min


Hello, is there some kind of installation guide I could use? I don't know if I should play 006, 007, etc. individually or if I put them together in one folder...


You have to manage each version separately, so in a separate folder.


Yes, they're all individual, so you can play one after another. Currently stitching everything together into one big build.


Do you have an ETA on that build or is it still a way out?


Hi Ondrej, how are you? How is version 012 going? Now I think that something more serious has happened, because July has long passed.


Hali, jó látni hogy magyar is van itt. :) A projekt szerintem nem halott, csak ha jól tudom (akkor még nem voltam patreon tag), a közelmúltban voltak magánéleti/megélhetési nehézségei, ezt visszamenőleg egy posztban láttam, de nem akarok hülyeséget mondani. Másrészt, egy hatalmas projekt ez egy embernek, és újabban pangás van, viszont ha feladta volna, akkor a 011 -es verziót nem portolta volna át újabb Unity engine -re. Mivel itt már egy 144km2 -es scene -ről van szó (valamennyire próbálgattam már az Unity -t, de csak annyit, hogy átlássam, hogy mennyire komplex lehet az ő projektje kb.), ezt brutálisan lassú lehet fejleszteni.


Hello, thank you for asking. All good here and I shouldn't have written July... I'll be posting info about what I've been working on shortly :)


It might be unusual at first because it was different in older versions, but after playing for a long time, I easily adapted to the new physics. Now when I rarely go back to older versions it's very unusual and frustrating, both the harsh sounds and the physics, so there's nothing wrong with that new engine. What I have noticed is that if I want a similar experience as in the older versions, I have to set the Steer Assist to the maximum value, 1 . Oh, and if you don't have a lot of FPS, it's worth turning on the Low Latency Mode to the ultra value, NVIDIA has this, I don't know if it exists for AMD and Intel. It will be much easier to steer, because the game reacts earlier to pressing the key.