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"c" stands for controller support :)

Dear patrons,

v003c adds controller support. Only tested with my 360 controller - so your mileage may vary. Please do let me know if you have issues.

You can enable it inside the pause menu - just set controller to 1.

For me, the driving feels best with "steering linearity" set to 0 and "steering speed" set to 3. Feel free to try what feels best for you.

You can also enable vibration/rumble which is more in an experimental stage at the moment.

Finally, you can now choose between automatic and manual transmission.

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The default controls are:

Left thumb stick: steer

Left trigger: brake/reverse

Right trigger: accelerate

Left shoulder button: headlights

Right shoulder button: clutch

X: shift down

A: shift up

B: handbrake

Back: pause menu

Right thumb stick: look around - which is functional but far from perfect and too slow at the moment

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Beware! Steering is very sensitive - if you steer too much the front wheels will loose grip, so be gentle with the left thumb stick.

download link:  https://we.tl/t-R4BoUiFnCR





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