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been thinkin bout how i manage this site , and i want to announce some changes bcaus ei dont much like how the naughty pack works , i dont get to share enough work that gets into the pack , like everyone except patrons and gumroad sale  never saw all the content i created over the years , so the tiers will get new adjustments heres the new concept :

- 1$ tier patrons will get access to the content i posted so far , but new posts will b just previews (usually at 720p somethimes 1080p- same as will b posted on other sites twitter etc.. ) and this tier will b here if u want to just support me and see the upcoming works :)

- 5$  tier (new)  patrons will get access to all new work posted at full resolution (4k and usually higher) ,  monthly voting polls for characters and wat do u want to see :) , preview from the naughty pack 

- 20$ tier Naughty pack - remains the same as usual :) + everything from 5$ tier pledge ofcourse :) 

- 60$ tier (new)  will gain u access to all previous Naughty Packs ! (one time payment)

 mainly for all that keep askin me how to get all the previous packs :) 

 also wanted to mention that i will b posting censored previews from the naughty pack and at the beginning of the new month i will post one uncensored pic from the previous naughty pack at 1080p :)   (not full res)

 that is mostly it ! :)  

let me know your thoughts ! and enjoy your weekend ❤ 🙂



I love that idea. I definitely want to buy the $60 option as I've seen you have some good stuff I've never got to see the past year or so and Gumroad (?) is a little too much for me. Then I can go for the $5 afterwards so I get a chance to see more than usual!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-05 04:44:31 Hi! Hum, to be honest, the 60$ pack is not fair at all for people who supported you month after month, for amounts hugely higher (1-year of NP is ~240$ , when a person who would buy this pack for 60$ could have more than 1-year of content... :/) If you want to give people the ability to buy all the past packs, the price should be aligned at least to the sum of these packs (if not higher, slightly aligned to gumroad): ex: 12-past-months-packs? => minimum 240$. If you want to encourage people to support you monthly rather than 1-time, you can slightly increase the price of the year-pack (ex: between 250 & 300 (the sum of 12 gumroad "pick what you like" NP)). + If you choose to sell all of your previous packs for 60$, i'll never (nor the others) will take your monthly pledge ever again since we can get everything way way cheaper (and some could get angry at you for this decision, for legitimate reasons): you will loose a huge amount of supporters, monthly income, and overall income. So my suggestion, in brief, is to make year-packs (between 250-300$) and if you want an "all-time-pack" (=> 20$ x number of packs + extra $ to encourage people to be constant and support you month after month rather than once every 3 years: way better for your financial stability and participation in your patreon feed... and your relationship with your Naughty Patrons). Please reconsider with all of that in mind ;) (more pledges to choose from are cool, though, it's just the big pack that is not ok).
2019-04-12 17:55:54 Hi! Hum, to be honest, the 60$ pack is not fair at all for people who supported you month after month, for amounts hugely higher (1-year of NP is ~240$ , when a person who would buy this pack for 60$ could have more than 1-year of content... :/) If you want to give people the ability to buy all the past packs, the price should be aligned at least to the sum of these packs (if not higher, slightly aligned to gumroad): ex: 12-past-months-packs? => minimum 240$. If you want to encourage people to support you monthly rather than 1-time, you can slightly increase the price of the year-pack (ex: between 250 & 300 (the sum of 12 gumroad "pick what you like" NP)). + If you choose to sell all of your previous packs for 60$, i'll never (nor the others) will take your monthly pledge ever again since we can get everything way way cheaper (and some could get angry at you for this decision, for legitimate reasons): you will loose a huge amount of supporters, monthly income, and overall income. So my suggestion, in brief, is to make year-packs (between 250-300$) and if you want an "all-time-pack" (=> 20$ x number of packs + extra $ to encourage people to be constant and support you month after month rather than once every 3 years: way better for your financial stability and participation in your patreon feed... and your relationship with your Naughty Patrons). Please reconsider with all of that in mind ;) (more pledges to choose from are cool, though, it's just the big pack that is not ok).

Hi! Hum, to be honest, the 60$ pack is not fair at all for people who supported you month after month, for amounts hugely higher (1-year of NP is ~240$ , when a person who would buy this pack for 60$ could have more than 1-year of content... :/) If you want to give people the ability to buy all the past packs, the price should be aligned at least to the sum of these packs (if not higher, slightly aligned to gumroad): ex: 12-past-months-packs? => minimum 240$. If you want to encourage people to support you monthly rather than 1-time, you can slightly increase the price of the year-pack (ex: between 250 & 300 (the sum of 12 gumroad "pick what you like" NP)). + If you choose to sell all of your previous packs for 60$, i'll never (nor the others) will take your monthly pledge ever again since we can get everything way way cheaper (and some could get angry at you for this decision, for legitimate reasons): you will loose a huge amount of supporters, monthly income, and overall income. So my suggestion, in brief, is to make year-packs (between 250-300$) and if you want an "all-time-pack" (=> 20$ x number of packs + extra $ to encourage people to be constant and support you month after month rather than once every 3 years: way better for your financial stability and participation in your patreon feed... and your relationship with your Naughty Patrons). Please reconsider with all of that in mind ;) (more pledges to choose from are cool, though, it's just the big pack that is not ok).


Any price under 20$ x number of packs would have a devastating effect (cause it sends the message: "don't waste your money on Naughty Packs, they're a scam compared to other offers"). The global packs should be a bit higher (than 20$ per pack unit) to encourage month by month support, and a bit lower than 25$ per pack unit of gumroad (that allows to choose only what we want, which is a privilege we can't have with a global pack). Month-by-month support is the best for you to keep a financial stability and people following your activity and participating. Then, the "global packs" (between 21-24& per pack unit [cheaper for year-packs, a bit more expensive for the all-time-packs]) for latecomers who didn't participate before, and gumroad (25$ per pack unit), for picky latecomers that don't even need to be in patreon. That'd be a fair repartition, imo :)


@Sepan, but surely the main thing about patreon is choosing to support the creator? I follow a couple of amazing artists and the last thing I think about or even care about is who else is following and what they get. The $60 is like a sale, would you also say the same thing about a video game from a studio you supported only for it to offer a sale on a game you paid full price for? when in maybe 5 months time it will go on sale and instead of the game being $60 it's now $30...should we then get angry at the studio for allowing people to buy it cheaper at a later date? No. We wouldn't. We would still have to sub for the $20 in order to continue to see the nsfw...why can't old stuff be sold at a discount? Your whole argument is based on the fact you don't want other people who found the page later than you to get something cheaper than you...your not entitled to that, none of us is entitled to that. To sell all the old stuff for basically the same price...that's not something someone new is going to want to do. The $60 also allows for new people to see what it's like and then if they love it. You got yourself a $20 sub. You are choosing to support, that does not mean you should have something over someone else. It's not us being picky. it's us not having as much money as you but wanting to support Killy and a discounted sale is fine.


At the end of the day, you have to do what you want to, it's your page, We can't please everyone, but the fact you want to offer old stuff for a discount price is a very kind, nice thing to do, we don't all get to see your stuff, Do what you gotta do man. Your know what is best for your page. :)


@E-xodus009 No, I would not be angry at studios selling games at lower prices to still sell games after a few years. However I would understand someone who would be if a game sold him/her a full monthly subscription for years, to tell one day that all the content (including what was paid fully the last months) will be delivered instantly for a 3 month price, while THE FULL SUBSCRIPTION IS STILL RUNNING for people supporting the game for years. I am just telling there is huge risks here and that it feels unfair. I'm in favor of people getting old stuff, but I also know that I won't be supporting monthly if I know that in a few months, i'll be saving huge money and still get all the content (even more than what I could afford with a regular subscription.) I love Killy and I support him as much as I can since a long time, but I'm not especially rich; i'm making sacrifices and efforts to get the NP, and I can't all the time. If he lowers the price for great packs, i'll just stop making these efforts because I feel like it's not fair and not worth it. And if Killy is happy with it, then cool, i won't have any qualms at giving way less money. Don't start to depict me like a selfish elitist bastard, please; I can survive to anything Killy decides, even if it means loosing my access to new content, and I don't want to deprive people from his stuff. I'm trying to protect Killy's interests on the long term here. Of course he can offer discounts and sales for his past works, to attract new people. Does it mean he should break his commercial system and sacrifice the fidelity of his supporters for it? I don't think so. He can do slight discounts and deals for special occasions, with restrictions, etc. In the project above, it's as if there was 1 nutella for 20$ per month (if you don't pay you don't get it), but you can buy the whole shop department of nutellas (+stocks) for 60$, when you want. What will people choose? He asked us our thoughts on his project: I'm giving mine; it's dangerous for him & his supporters, with the current formula. Whatever my opinion is, he can do whatever he wants, I'm not entitled to anything. I don't care about my own status among the supporters. I'm just warning about what could happen.