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Hey all!

I'm reworking my Patreon completely. October will be paused so nobody is getting charged for my Patreon tomorrow. No worries!

Moving forward, my Patreon will no longer give out guaranteed artwork, at all. It will serve heavily as a tip jar.

I will have a $5 tier, a $10 tier and a $20 tier, that's it.

$1 will get you: A Discord role in my server.

$5 will get you: A different Discord role in my server.

$10 will get you: A cooler Discord Role in my server and a $2 discount on all comms from me, and a chance for a free Warmup Sketch if you submit your OC every month.

$20 will get you: A supercool Discord Role in my server and a $5 discount on all comms from me, and 2 chances for a free Warmup Sketch if you submit your OC every month.

Warmup Sketch raffles are not guaranteed to happen, it's entirely under an "If they happen you have a chance" thing.

This is in line with my new "Pay when the commission work is DONE, not before Jay starts" work ethic moving forward. I will no longer accept money without having the work done before hand. This is non negotiable.

Thank you all, love you all.

PS: Stretch Goals.

I will no longer have stretch goals because life in a burned down town in California with arthritis has proven to me I can't adhere to those goals.

I aim to live comfortably on $3000 a month, but that requires me to do 30 commissions a month, so 30 slots will be open every month moving forward.

If you do not wish to support this new design, please pull your pledges now.


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