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Hi, everyone! It's been a while, hasn't it? Are you excited to play the next Booty Hunter update? The upcoming update will focus on improving and making the game's combat a bit more dynamic. I had several ideas during these weeks of development, and I think I managed to come up with something fun.

Well, not everything is perfect. Due to the time I spent working on mechanics and other things that I'll talk about shortly, I didn't have time to work on the next main mission. So, the next main mission will come only in alpha v0.5 (sorry for that). But don't be upset; this update will come with side missions and new interactions with the girls.

So let's get straight to the point—what's coming in alpha v0.4:

Firstly, I changed the way I write the version numbers. It will no longer be alpha 04, alpha 05; it will be alpha v0.4, alpha v0.5. I made this decision to make it clearer that the game is still in an early stage.

Now, Booty Hunter has native support for Android. If you want, you can play it on your Android device without any problems.

The game's main menu has been reworked and is much more user-friendly. I took the liberty of adding the names of the supporters to the main menu. The list is outdated because I removed some names a few days ago. If anyone feels uncomfortable, let me know. I'm still considering whether to keep this when I release the version. Tell me what you think. Do you want your names credited on the main menu?

Now you can adjust the opacity of the text boxes so that they don't... uh, get in the way of seeing something more important, lol.

Maria, Swift, Nojiko, and Hina are now available on the map for you to interact with. Go talk to them—I bet they have something interesting to say or might ask you to do something. Of course, you'll be rewarded for it, hehe.

New islands have appeared, and now the number of discovered islands is displayed on the travel screen so you can see if there's anything left to discover. Now, the islands also display available bounties and mark them as completed if all are done. I'm thinking about adding more than just bounties, but that might be for another version. Give me ideas!

And now, let's move on to the main course: the new combat and level-up system.

When the player levels up, the attack and defense will no longer increase automatically. Instead, the player will earn SP and AP (Status Points and Ability Points, respectively).

The Status Points will be used to increase six different stats:

  • STR (STRENGTH) - Strength stat affects how much damage you deal to your enemies using your fist or weapons.
  • AGI (AGILITY) - Agility stat affects you cooldowns for consumables and increase your attack damage a little bit. If you have auto clicker skills this will enhance your atk speed.
  • VIT (VITALITY) - Vitality stat affects your make you more durable incresing your MAX HP, MAX STA and your DEF.
  • HAK (HAKI) - Haki stat affects how much damage you deal to your enemies using your skills.
  • DEX (DEXTERITY) - Dexterity stat affects the cooldowns for skills and increase your skills damage a little bit.
  • LUK (LUCK) - Luck affects your drop rates on enemy items, and increase a little of your defense.

The Ability Points will be used to unlock and increase the levels of your abilities. I won't list all the abilities here as I'm still working on them, but they will be divided into three types:

  • Active Abilities: These are abilities you use in combat by activating them. You can choose four abilities to take into battles.
  • Passive Combat Abilities: These are abilities that don't need to be activated and provide a direct advantage in battles, such as increased health, strength, or agility.
  • Passive Abilities: These are also abilities that don't need to be activated but don't have a direct impact on combat. They serve other purposes, like increasing the selling price or decreasing the cost of items, boosting the amount of EXP gained in battles, among other things.

After choosing the active abilities you'd like to use, they will appear below your health bar during battles.

Leveling up your stats is also crucial; without them, you'll lose to any small-time pirate. So, remember to level them up. Weapons and Armors no longer directly increase your damage or defense; instead, they provide you with stats.

You'll be able to distinguish the stats coming from an item from those added naturally. Players won't be able to add more than 99 points to their stats, so you'll need strong weapons and armor to boost them further.

I'm also working on a way to make girls stronger in combat. Some people complained that Nami is much weaker than Reiju and Kuina, so I'm going to create a system where Nami and other weaker girls in the crew can shine in the future if you choose. It's not ready yet, and it might not be in this update, but I'm aware of it and will improve.

The alpha v0.4 will come with side missions for some of the girls. I'm still working on it, so I can't provide many details yet, but stay tuned because this update will bring a lot of content for you to enjoy.

And there have been some improvements as well, such as changes to the quest screen, new sound effects, and some bug fixes, but I think I don't need to go into detail about that here. I'll leave everything in the patch notes for the next update.

Well, that's it! I hope you're excited for the next update. Sorry for the quiet period, but my schedule has been quite hectic, so I don't have much time to come here and talk with you all. Rest assured that I'm working hard to deliver my best to you❤️.

The next update is expected to be released by December 14th, but it may come earlier.

See you later, and stay hydrated. 🛀




Hope the new release will on time!


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