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Hey guys, how's it going?

We finally have the release dates for version 0.6 of Booty Hunter, and it's much closer than many of you might have imagined, haha.

I know I've been saying this a lot and it's starting to sound like a broken record at this point, but THIS IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST UPDATES I'VE EVER DONE XD. If you read the previous post, you know what I'm talking about—10 outfits, 3 side quests, 1 main quest, and many other things. It's been a lot of work, and it's still ongoing.

I still need to finalize some things, but I'm confident we'll have a playable version by May 3rd.

Here are the release dates for each tier:

May 3rd - TIER 2, YONKOU, TIER 3

May 5th - TIER 1

May 9th - TIER 0

May 10th - PUBLIC

Alright, folks, I'm going back to work now XD. I hope everyone is ready to head back to East Blue.

~ Alley
