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Officer Munroe donning his usual "after work" attire and getting ready for a night of fun. ;3

Asyr and I are back home from Reffurence! We had lots of fun there! Of course it was a bit less hectic than a big con due to the fact that there weren't quite as many people as something like Eurofurence & Asyr and I both barely knew most of the attendees, but we made some new friends and had time to explore Belgium a little. We went to see Antwerp with our buddies ReegusTheDrake & Macbeth3 which was a lot of fun! Asyr and I also went to Brussels for a day to visit the Atomium.

The convention itself was really cool too! Asyr and I both went fursuiting last at Eurofurence 2019, so it's been fun to get back into it. There was also my aptly named panel "Can you draw them farting? - A deep dive into the life of a furry artist", which was really well received! Lots of people showed up and got to hear some of the wacky experiences I have made over the years. :3

As for the picture: I had prepared this one before I left on Wednesday, but posting the previous picture of Coach Night while in Antwerp turned out to be such a pain, that I wanted to wait till I was back home again for this one. I knocked this and the Coach Night one out in a pretty short amount of time, so they are both more rushed than my usual work. But since I am trying to get into a bit of a faster workflow for one off pics like that, it was nice practice! :3

Anyway, now that I'm back I am looking forward to get back into the swing of things. This little vacation really was what I needed. Thanks to everyone at Reffurence who made us feel welcome and all the nice furries we got to meet and hang out! It was my first time being guest of honor at a furry con and so it was a real special event for me. I won't forget it anytime soon. :3

Enjoy! :3




Glad you guys had fun and that it helped! =) as for this Officer Munroe pic, WOW! 😍