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Be proud of who you are.

This is the finished version of my charity YCH auction featuring bl010550, sporting some pride gear of his own. He also asked me to add some body hair on Coach Night as well as add the "Show your stripes" picture in the background, that I drew a couple of years ago.

A big thanks to everyone who participated in the auction, supported or shared it online. It raised a whopping €1000, with half going to the Trevor Project (LINK) & the other half going to L.A.G. Queer Network Saxony Germany (LINK). I uploaded the donation confirmations to my twitter: LINK.

(Warning: suicide mention)

This was a very heartfelt project that I wanted to do, to honor the memory of Akira7, a friend of mine, who died by suicide on March 26 2018 at the age of 26. I hope with this donation, I can do some good, so it may help others find the support they need.

Thanks again everyone.



AFL 805

I would like some shoes like that