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He's good at multitasking.

Another quick one! This is my new character in the Pen&Paper RPG that I play with friends and is being hosted by Asyr. After retiring my ultra manly rainbow unicorn Rudyard (linked HERE), I was unsure of what to pick next. Since we had finished an adventure and his story was basically done, we started discussing a few ideas and playing a Cerberus seemed like a daunting but really fun concept! The world our RPG takes place in was created by Asyr and is a mashup of cyberpunk & mythology, aptly dubbed "Mythpunk".

I'm really looking forward to play him. Currently I am still debating the name, but I probably will go with Chandler, Ross & Joey. ;P





Oh my god he’s HANSOME 👀


Cerb life best life!


I can't look at a Cerberus the same way as before I watched Heaven's design team. How many brain there is? How can the nervous system can handle the workload? How do they sync their thoughts? And what happen if one head is fruity and the other straight like a baguette? Ahhhhhhhj *brain fried*




He's beautiful