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The dinner at the restaurant had been thoroughly enjoyable. Both of you had plenty to eat and continued chatting throughout. You felt your connection grew stronger and so when the check came, that Night took care of, you realized that you didn't want the date to end so soon. "Come on, hop in. I know a place we can go.", the tiger suggested. The road followed along the coastline, with the sun slowly setting in the distance. Eventually excitement got the better of you and you asked him what the destination was.

Again, I apologize for the delay. My computers RAM turned out to be faulty, which caused the PC to bluescreen and crash randomly, which was fun to deal with over the last couple of days. I should get a replacement soon, in the interim I'm using one of Asyr's RAM sticks so I can keep working.

Anyway, now that we are underway, the next step is:

What should happen at makeout point? Do they have a picnic? Are they just watching the sunset? Do we tear off that hawaiian jacket and bury our face in those pecs? I'd love to hear your ideas! Leave them in the comments below. :3





👀 tits


POV kiss


Let's drown in those massive milkers by the light of the setting sun 🐯👍


Hmm maybe them laying on the hood of the car or a blanket, looking at the stars above


Oof I am leaning more towards nuzzling into those pecs I feel like x3 but a warm and embarassing kiss would work as well


I'm thinking a bit of the star gazing until they hear another happy couple.


You sit on the hood of the car together, watching the sunset and drinking a nice drink (wine? Hard seltzer?). Suddenly, oh no! It gets spilled all over his shirt! He needs to get it off so it can be cleaned, obviously.

Arkantos Kitsune

Booba!!! But in all seriousness, he takes you to his favourite secret/secluded area on the beach then as POV he asks you to lay down your head on his chest and cuddle after he prepared the towel on the sand, took off his clothes down until his swimsuit/underwear.

Al Song

Cocktails with their cocks out!


Be very hard to concentrate from the get go with him dressed like this