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You've been dressed and ready to go for about 15 minutes. You kept staring at the clock, wondering if he would be on time. When the doorbell rings, you nearly jumped out of your seat. You rush to the door to open it. And there he is.

Alright, this means that the date is underway! Now in the last poll we established the location of the date being a beachside restaurant. For the next poll, I would like to ask you: What would you talk about with Coach Night on the date?

Feel free to suggest topics, questions or other ideas of what could happen at the restaurant. Let me know in the comments and I will pool them together for the next poll.

Looking forward to it!





Kinda hot if we talked about work, and Night talks about his “ extra curricular activities” with some of his students 🤤


Maybe they talk about sex? Or Night gives his date some reassurance because they seem nervous? Or they talk about stuff they like to do?

Al Song

I would talk about art and literature... and maybe about erotic art and literature <3

Viet Tran

Aww he’s so sweet. Maybe talk about likes and dislikes or what the Mc likes about him compliments and stuff. Maybe something with the other waiters haha


Would be cute to talk about the lovely day and the MC's finished degree. Possibly a funny food accident or a really flirty waiter to spice up the night.

Arkantos Kitsune

Maybe Coach could tell us why he decided to become a coach. (Also holy moly dem boobas ❤)


will there be a version with a swollen chest and milk? owo