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I admit, this was just for me.

I realize I have drawn a similar picture quite recently, but this was mainly for my own self therapy. Lately my insomnia has gotten worse again and it has taken a toll on my mood and general motivation. Even just drawing a simple picture for myself seemed like a big ordeal as I was overly focusing on trying to give it a fun spin or make it otherwise more interesting.

Anyway, working on this was still enjoyable and I feel like I'm in a better place than I was a few days ago. I'll spend this week working out some stuff and getting the comic back on track, that I have been neglecting in favor of commissions for too long. I honestly can't wait to get back to it because whenever I look at the already completed pictures, it brings me so much joy to see what I have already accomplished.

Thanks everyone who has stuck with me for such a long time and I hope that once things get back to normal, I'll be able to do some more creative Patreon projects again.




James Michael

Really sorry that you're having to deal with insomnia! I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy & hope that you feel better soon.

Al Song

This is incredible! I’m sorry about the insomnia. I’m wishing you the best and hoping things improve for you


My friend you have out bulged yourself here 🤤 I’m happy you’re feeling better.


Even with all the twisted narratives and character backstory (which I absolutely adore by the way) sometimes it seems all a buff tiger needs is a good night's sleep or two, eh. ^^

Kuponut (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-17 16:56:10 <3 I always love some nicely-defined thighs.
2022-05-03 07:00:10 <3 I always love some nicely-defined thighs.

<3 I always love some nicely-defined thighs.

Little Fluff

It's always wonderful to see you work on personal stuff, and I'll never stop loving how your do such big sexy pecs and handsome body hair. Hopefully you can get back to a fully normal sleep schedule soon, but for your own sake, not for the sake of patreon. Health comes first!