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And this is how Night ends up at the end of his birthday.

In comparison to the previous picture the bed and the pillows have changed and the painting is missing, don't worry about that.

Thanks my buddy PoppinZan for helping me come up with the picture title! :3

This was a bit of an experiment in terms of perspective and pose. I'm so used to the characters facing the viewer, that it was a nice change of pace to not have to draw that this time. Still an interesting challenge as with symmetrical looking poses like this you always have to account for little imperfections to not make it look too much like you just flipped half the image. I also added fur texture again just because I wanted to play around with it a little. It's always an extra step of tedium and it doesn't look as convincing as I want it to, so I will only rarely utilize it.

Anyway, this picture might be the very last I drew on my old PC. I did get an upgrade around Christmas but had to juggle work and setting up the new PC as well as order some more parts for the last few weeks now. I'm looking forward to all the new stuff I will be able to produce with the upgraded hardware. It was quite an investment, but a much needed one.

Enjoy! :3




Bless this mess <3


Best place for cum


Looks like a very fu-FILLING birthday indeed! Beautiful mess you made Asyr! 😋


Enough for seconds? >;P

Alizar Kazam

OwO That looks well done.