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"Would you like to snuggle?"

First pic of 2022! With this year being the year of the tiger, my inbox was flooded by sexy striped felines - a welcome start of the year! ;3

Ironically, since I had been drawing my fursona so much recently, I was actually itching to draw one of my lesser used characters again. I went back and forth coming up with a few ideas, but eventually realized that I was just overcomplicating things again. So instead I took a break to relax and before I knew it, this idea popped into my head. It's interesting how the mind works sometimes. :3

Anyway, now that this is out of the way, I can clear up the rest of my schedule so I can hopefully announce new commissions soon. Stay tuned & enjoy! :3




Would love to snuggle.~


Awww, I'd love to cuddle! 🤗