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It's once again time to look back at the year and reminisce about all the lewd pictures I drew in 2021!

January - This month is a bit of a cheat since I technically drew these dakimakuras for Fluke & Tirox back in April 2020. But since I wasn't able to take them into last year's review, I figured I'd feature them now. It's still a little crazy when I think about seeing my art on these pillows and people actually buying and showing them off. I'm still grateful for the opportunity and happy that a friendship with Fluke and Tirox came out of that. :3

February - This was a gift for anti-dev, one of my favorite furry artists out there and creator of the Brogulls comic, Rise of Chet, Naked Hot Tub Party and most recently Wilson. I've been a fan of his work for a while now, so been given the opportunity to chat with him and share some thoughts and was definitely one of my highlights of this year. I still really like this picture as it conveys such a casual nature about it - lewd but still casual. ;P

March - Well, this was a big one. March marked the month where I finally was able to release my biggest animation project to date, after over a year of on and off work, I finally managed to put it together. It has been an insane amount of work, but it's something I'm still extremely proud of. Not only because of the complexity, but also because it's a gift to my good buddy Cirez, for supporting me all these years. :3 It was crazy seeing how well people reacted to this and it really uplifted my spirits in terms of doing more animations in the future. I couldn't be happier with this.

April - That particular picture has been one of my secret favorites of this year. It started out merely as a rough idea and slowly evolved into what it is now. It's atmosphere and overall look came out just the way I wanted and it goes to show that there are still suprises waiting for me when it comes to drawing.

May - May marked the month where I could finally draw Jar-Jar Binks. On the occasion of Star Wars Day, I figured it would be fun to see the reactions of a buffed up Sith Jar-Jar version. People responded suprisingly well to it, much more than I had expected. I guess I'll have to do a sequel to this one of these days. ;3

June - I tried to get the most mileage out of Pride Month this year, posting several pictures, even an animation, because the topic is just so much fun to me. The idea of pairing Shere Khan and Scar from Lion King had been circling around my mind after my tiger dad Asyr suggested it years ago. I never got around to it until now, but I'm glad that I did. This piece is still one of my favorites. :3

July - Continuing with the theme even after Pride Month was over, I was able to draw this picture for TaggCrossroad, a super nice and awesome guy! I included this because during this year I really managed to get some practice in drawing crowds. Not the easiest exercise given all the work that goes into it, but a very rewarding one. It feels good to get comfortable with a larger workload, as it pushed me to draw more complex ideas and not just rely on the same solo pinup that I had drawn so often in the past.

August - Look at that, I went viral! This picture spread like a wildfire back in August to where even my friend Pallando from Australia told me that it was circulating in chat groups over there. It's kinda insane to think that such a simple idea that I just came up with on the spot gained so much traction in a short period of time. It was a fun experience especially since everyone took it in good humor. :3

September - Speaking of humor, this was quite a fun picture to work on! September marked the time where I finally tried doing livestreams. After refusing to try it for years and shying away at possible opportunities, I jumped headfirst into the whole thing and found it to be a lot of fun! This picture especially was done from start to finish during a Picarto stream. It took a lot out of me since I usually take more breaks, but seeing people react to my drawing was incredibly motivating. :3

October - You might have noticed that so far, none of my pages of “A Star Is Porn” have appeared here. I do feel a bit embarrased for dragging this project into its third year now, but I promise I will finish it in 2022. Working on it however I noticed that comic pages tend to be very tedious to work on, so in lieu of that I started a sort of impromptu image series that was based on a poll I did among my Patreon supporters. The whole thing spiraled into six different pictures and they turned out to be my most popular works this year! The first picture of that series even gaining the second most favorites of my gallery of all time on FurAffinity. That kind of blew my mind!

November - As I mentioned before, during July I grew more confident drawing more complex ideas and this one is sort of the payoff from that. I drew this as a little two part picture for Asyr's birthday and was really happy with how it turned out. There's a routine and easygoing nature in my drawing process now where I don't even think about the workload as much anymore.

December - The last few months of the year were quite busy for me. I do love the holidays and draw pictures based on them, but they always have the catch of having a deadline. So I clamored to put together pictures for Halloween and Christmas and this one being once again the result of a Patreon poll. It's always exciting to see what my supporters will suggest and vote on, cause it gives me the opportunity to branch out and also pushes me towards a goal I can't shy away from. This picture in particular reminded me of a similar one I drew back in 2011. Going back to look at it really exemplified how much I had improved over the last 10 years.

All in all picking one picture for every month proved once again a real challenge. There are so many pictures I have fond memories of like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mini comic I did this year, or the various YCH auctions that always are challenging to come up with, but pay off in the end. Overall I drew 130 pictures this year, which doesn't quite beat the 150 from 2020, but since it also includes comic pages & animations I think it might be on the same level.

For 2022 I have two major priorities: Finishing the comic and doing commissions again. I paused commissions during this year, because I felt I couldn't dedicate enough time to them while working on the comic. As that dragged out and other projects came up, I realized that commissions wouldn't be an issue either. So I hopefully will be able to open them soon. :3

In closing I want to thank all of you for your continued support & positive energy. With the pandemic dragging out, I hope my works can be a little distraction and raise your spirits a little.

For the new year, I wish all of you the best and that things may get better. I hope you will all have a wondeful New Year's Eve and I wish you all the best for 2022! :3

Thanks so much and Happy New Year!




I want to say thank you for being a great artist and Patreon creator this past year :D. I really appreciate how prolific you are, how responsive you are to patrons and fans, and how much you care about what you do. Obviously my likes show I like almost everything you did lol, but I wanted to mention specifically how much I liked your mini comics! The TMNT and Beastars ones were great and VERY hot, and obviously A Star Is Porn is so fun and sexy to see. I think you do really well with these, and I don't know how much more work goes into them, but I just wanted to say how much I like them. Thanks for everything, and happy New Year!

dreamandnightmare (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-17 17:21:50 I appreciate the kind words, I really do! It's sometimes easy to get frustrated at negative comments, so I'm glad to hear that I'm doing a good job with Patreon and as an artist. The mini comics were definitely some of my favorite projects this year. I really do wanna continue them. I will try to focus my energy more on projects like these and not constantly get distracted by other ideas, but we'll see how that works out this year. Thanks for all your support & a happy New Year to you too! :3
2022-01-01 01:48:36 I appreciate the kind words, I really do! It's sometimes easy to get frustrated at negative comments, so I'm glad to hear that I'm doing a good job with Patreon and as an artist. The mini comics were definitely some of my favorite projects this year. I really do wanna continue them. I will try to focus my energy more on projects like these and not constantly get distracted by other ideas, but we'll see how that works out this year. Thanks for all your support & a happy New Year to you too! :3

I appreciate the kind words, I really do! It's sometimes easy to get frustrated at negative comments, so I'm glad to hear that I'm doing a good job with Patreon and as an artist. The mini comics were definitely some of my favorite projects this year. I really do wanna continue them. I will try to focus my energy more on projects like these and not constantly get distracted by other ideas, but we'll see how that works out this year. Thanks for all your support & a happy New Year to you too! :3