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I think we might have left something in the room.

Oof...finally. I promised myself I wouldn't dwell on delays for this comic, but I do want to apologize for the long time between the last page and this one. Seeing how I got my groove back and am finally done with this page, I hope that the next ones are gonna be posted more frequently again.

The issue with working on a comic is that it's a learning process. When I started out I was absolutely sweating and panicking over each individual panel. The first three pages took a lot out of me and I felt like I wasn't up to the challenge. But I managed to push through and now each page is a much easier task as I know what I'm doing. One thing however I noticed was that writing a story is one thing, but planning out an individual page is another. Pacing out each panel and still making it interesting is something I needed to adapt my workflow to.

Anyway, this is a bit of a filler page to get our heroes to the next step in their journey. It's one of the reasons why I pushed working on this farther and farther back. But now that this is over, I can focus on new saucy material. ;3

By the way: The "Git!" comment from the director is a direct hommage to Pops from Anti-Devs "Rise of Chet" comic. ;3

New page was also added to the translation files in the Mega folder: LINK 





Rick’s expression looking up at what I assume is his favorite porn star is adorable 😋


I've literally had a 2 birthdays since this comic started... get to the PRON :-)

James Michael

I like where this is going! 💗


I was going for a bit a sarcasm, tone doesn't always come across well in text. Oh well, that was a fail.

Fen Longpaw

Poe's Law of comedy: satire must be sufficiently hyperbolic to be distinguishable from reality. D&N probably gets more comments than he can count of that genuine sentiment, so it's understandable the humor was lost here.


Yeah it fell flat and hard pretty fast. D&N I love your stuff! Been around for 3+ years and I'll probably be around for 3 more.