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I wonder what everyone is looking at?

Remember when I said I would start working on the next page right after finishing the last one? I actually did, but I seriously underestimated the amount of work necessary for this particular page. This is just a preview of one panel of which are 9 in total this time, each with multiple characters, various reactions, etc. I did actually spend those last two weeks working on the comic pretty much every day to a degree. But to avoid burnout I also needed to work on something else every now and then.

Why am I saying this? Well I noticed quite a decrease in Patreon supporters and I feel it might be because I haven't been very communicative lately. I want to apologize for that and also if you feel that my output isn't that great recently. I know there are plenty of reasons for cancelling a Patreon subscription so I don't want to make any assumptions, I just wanted to share my feelings on the issue. I will try to do better in the future. :3 Feedback in this regard is always welcome.

On another note: I will be streaming again!

I actually had this idea for a while now. I will be using twitch for the first time, to stream the videogame "House Flipper" in which I want to redecorate a virtual home and give it a "furry theme". ;3 I definitely want to include suggestions from the audience watching me and generally just goof around a bit. Should be fun. :3 If you want to get a headstart, you can visit my (still empty) twitch channel by clicking the link here. (The stream will also be open to the public and not limited to Patreon supporters.)

Hopefully I have the new page finished and have more things to share soon. :3




Why Rick's butt looks so awesome?