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"Wanna join Brooks and me? Might be a bit tight though..."

Recently, Asyr reminded me of an old picture from 2015, which I attached to this post. And while looking for a new idea when I felt like drawing, I somehow remembered that and thought it would make for a nice idea to go back to.

I'm not really a fan of remaking old pictures of mine, so I did change the idea. It still shows a nice contrast between my art back then and now and of course how my fursona has changed along with it. :3

By the way, the rubber ducky is the character Brooks from Antidev's comic "Naked Hot Tub Party". I thought it would be a cute cameo and Antidev liked the idea as well, so thanks for letting me use him for this! :3

Gonna get back to working on the comic and other things now!





Yes, it would be the best experience ever!😊


Mmm, I bet that bath is nice and warm 🤤💦


Awww. I’ll join, but will I fit in that tub?


Come on over, I've got a whirlpool tub that will fit us both *g*


Damn, he daddied up! 😳

Drakons Sephir

I want to join you:3. (beautiful drawing)^^