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I'm not sure how to start this year's retrospective. You might have noticed that I tried my best to keep silent on the topic of the whole pandemic. I figured with all of our lives being impacted by it, that I wanted to keep my galleries as a sort of safe place, to just forget about the reality of things for a moment. I would very much like to keep it that way as we all have pretty much heard and read enough about Covid for a lifetime.

Art wise, this year has been one of ups and downs for me. On the plus side, I drew over 150(!) artworks this year, which is not even including all the work that went into animations and comics. (I'll get to that topic later). I must admit I never expected what impact moving in together with Asyr could have for my creative output. Thanks so much daddy tiger for being such a supportive fiancé! :3

2020 was also the year in which I divded deeper into Patreon projects, which resulted in the pictures seen in May and September, among others. I took a lot of things from these experiences and am looking forward to build on top of them in 2021. :3

It was honestly great to see so many people engage with them and I already have some ideas for new ones that I think you're gonna like. :3

A big issue for me this year was my own time management. I tend to be very fickle when it comes to my drawing mood. This has led me to work on too many projects at the same time. It eventually resulted in a break in August where I worked on the Feline Indulgence animation. A project that kept me occupied for two and a half months. After that I realized that I needed to organize myself better and re-evaluate my own work process.

It has been difficult balancing things out. I often feel the need that I need to finish an artwork, even if it is just something quick and done for fun. I can often not let a sketch just remain at that and I need to push myself to focus on more important matters. 

That's why for the beginning of 2021, I will concentrate on finishing all those projects that have been fallen behind this year. The remaining commissions, one animation prject for my good buddy Cirez and my comic A Star Is Porn. To keep myself afloat financially I will foremost do YCH auctions for now, as these are easier to handle compared to full blown commissions.

I know all these plans will probably not work out in the way that I want them to, so please don't hold it against me if I need to change things around here and there. The end of 2020 was very stressful for me, art wise as emotional and I'm only slowly crawling my way out of it. It will lead to some more changes in the coming year, but those will hopefully all be for the better.

I wish each and everyone of you a wonderful New Year's eve, despite all these hardships this year and I hope that 2021 will be a better year for all of us. :3




My favorite ones of this year were the Horse Trailer pictures.


I still fap to that animation in the showers to this day, a true work of art