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"Yeah, I'm winning, dad."

So this idea popped into my head yesterday while working on commissions and such. I was already prepared to put it on hold and at the most scribble out a quick sketch. While doing so, I went back and forth on how to proceed with the picture and eventually decided to just give the painting technique another go. It worked so well that I finished the shading in no time and was able to put this all together in much less time than I had anticipated. The background actually took more work in terms of arranging objects and playing around with a few things.

Originally I thought about making this a mature pic, but I liked the composition so much that I kept it clean. That way, if I ever decide to do livestreams, I can just use this pic for previews. ;3

The game shown on the screen is called Armello. It's a really fun board game style strategy/roleplay game with furry characters. I've been playing it again recently as it's perfect for a short break between drawing sessions. :3





Looks like he might need some help under that desk... 👀


This looks amazing! Love your stuff so much!!!


I was wondering whether someone was already hiding there.


This is another level painting, love it


Omg this looks amazing. Love the vibe/colors!

Alizar Kazam

Not going to lie, this is one of my faves when it comes to my PC wallpapers <3