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Turning around is gonna be fun...

For those who don't know the costume Teren is wearing, it's the character Ralsei from the game Deltarune. :3

With Halloween almost upon us, it was time for me to indulge a yearly tradition of drawing a Halloween themed pic with my good buddy Teren and me. He told me beforehand, that between commissions and other things, I didn't have to draw something this year. But I figured that we all could use a little cheering up, so I definitely wanted to do a picture!

Figuring out an idea for this was incredibly hard, to the point where I almost gave up. I wanted to do something fun but couldn't figure out anything outside the usual yiff stuff. Eventually this idea popped into my head, at random. I figured "Hey, I haven't drawn stealth sex yet, so let's do it!" - Everything else quickly fell into place.

I wish you all a lovely Halloween, despite the current state of things.

Enjoy! :3






Hufff 😍 can i stealth bottom for Coach next?


So...uh...does he get carried around stuck on the dick? Just asking 🤔


I adore how Night looks in this pic ;P ny favourite of this series is where prince Night is with femboy Teren in a sofa and somebody is like taking a pic and Night has a saliva trail to the dragon's crotch XP ❤