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I was surprised that this last poll had such a clear winner! Seems a lot of you really liked this design. A big thank you to Konran for suggesting this color scheme!

Now we are in the finishing steps of the character. Since this poll has a lot of different options, I decided to make another poll for his name and occupation seperate. So feel free to suggest ideas for his name and what he does for a living! :3

After that, we'll get to the final part: Coming up with a picture idea for him to present him to the rest of the world! Any and all suggestions are welcome of what you would like to see this bull daddy do. Excited to read your ideas! :3




God, I want him already


Awesome, I'm quite pleased that I managed to contribute something big to the character!


Those glasses are turning me off tbh.


Instead of continusly complaining about things that got voted on several rounds ago, why not do something constructive and contribute some ideas?

Jake Northcote

I do feel like some options are being repeated. For example the balls. They were already chosen to be pretty big in the previous round, but now they get even bigger which some might find off-putting.


I voted against the glasses. Its not my fault more people voted for them. I was just expressing my opinion. And I did make a suggestion but it was ignored. I said there should have been an option for a bull cock since the character is a bull.


You made that suggestion after the dick type had already been chosen. Expressing your opinion can be done in a way that it's helping the collaborative effort. Instead of just saying that you don't like something, maybe offer a better alternative?


The way I see it, If you're going to make enough physical traits of a Bull an option that the character could potentially be a Bull (which is what just happened) then a Bull's penis should have been an option as well.


Well maybe you should have said something beforehand then. If you want an option to appear, then just say when I am collecting suggestions. Simple as that.