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I'd say that red rocket launcher works wonderfully!

Here's a silly little picture I drew for TyrKangaroo of his characters Tyr and Brynjar. :3

Tyr and I got to know each other through his wonderful story series "Dad Camp". I stumbled upon it and immediately fell in love with it. The whole concept, the characters & Tyrs writing style just really hit a nerve with me to a point where I couldn't stop reading it.

When I had reached the last chapter, I contacted Tyr about it and we really hit it off. He's a super sweet guy and it seems we just "clicked". While exchanging ideas about the story series and possible picture ideas associated with it, it seems he found his creative spark again because he shortly after continued uploading new chapters - much to my delight of course! :3

In return for his hard work and also as a thank you for writing something that I enjoyed so much, I offered to draw a picture for him, any idea no matter what. And this is the result. ;P




Sugar Sammy

Lol, I love how he's holding it like a rocket launcher


I like Hyper stuff just so you know.