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I'm happy to present you guys my new collaboration project: Design-A-Daddy! (or in short: DAD - see what I did there? :P)

I have had this idea in mind for a while and am super excited to do this with you. In short: I want to create a new character together with you. I will be holding polls and gathering your ideas to design a daddy character step by step. At the end of the project, once the character is finished, I will also let you guys suggest & vote on what kind of picture I should draw to present him to the world. :3

We'll start with the body type, as it is the most basic thing needed for this. Vote on which one you like best and we will take it from there. Keep in mind that this is just the rough bodytype - things like "bigger belly" or "more muscles" will be added later.

Now, the next step after this will be the decision what species he should be, so please, write in the comments what kind of species you would like to see and I will add them to the poll in the next round!

Also, feel free to give feedback at any point during this project. If you have an idea, I'd love to hear it!

Really looking forward to this! :3




Oh this is such a neat idea!


It's got to be a jackal, obviously!


You got plenty of tigers. So.. A Puma!


Lets visit the canines, so how about a wolf


How about a gorilla/monkey?


Hmm, it should be a species you don't already have, so... maybe an elephant? Or a donkey!

Al Song

I’d love to see a coyote!


Perhaps a bear, Polar Bear to be exact.


Daddy shark!


Muscles please.


Muscular is clearly going to win, so can I at least propose that he ends up just a little less muscular then the example? It feels like the example is just a little too much.