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...and now, the thrilling conclusion!

Phew, talk about ending a project with a bang! I think I worked three days straight on that little two page comic. However, I really like how the result turned out.

After the last poll, I was deliberating how to connect a lot of the ideas that got the most votes and one day after waking up I had this really dumb joke in my head about a dumb jock wolf "ASSuming one's gender" and I just thought it'd be a fun concept to have Night as a femboy for once.

The drawing process for this turned out fairly easy, it was coloring, shading and adding everything else that turned out to be a pain. Like that newspaper. Can you believe I spent about 3 hours on that? Originally I wanted to put some dumb funny headline on there, but I couldn't think of anything to save my life. So I just raided the zootopia wiki and recreated the design of the Zootopia Times newspaper, with font and all, based on screenshots from the movie. Of course I also had to fill in articles and pictures and that came together from various tidbits of information from the wiki itself.

So yeah, lots of time spent on a detail most people might not pay attention to.

I also developed a little crush on the wolf character here, so you might see him again in the future. ;3

In closing I wanted to thank you all for supporting me through this whole project. There were certainly some downs, but also a lot of ups! You guys encouraged me to go outside my comfort zone and draw things I hadn't drawn before. It definitely helped me grow as an artist and as a person. So thank you for that. :3

I might wait a little until I start the next collaboration project, because I want to get some other stuff done first, like the next page of A Star Is Porn, but stay tuned for more things soon!





I'm glad to see you are happy with what you do, even with all the things that are currently happening, I wish you a nice rest from these polls, and femboy Night WINS!!