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He looks quite comfy, doesn't he? Wanna take a seat on his lap? :3
This is the finished version of my latest YCH auction featuring Dragoneye11. Working on this was really therapeutic for me, as it's one of the first pictures that feels like the "regular" stuff that I used to draw.
I have been pushing myself pretty hard lately and it started to take its toll. Believe it or not, this is already the 101st picture I have drawn this year! And that count does not even include all the seperate pictures involved in the recent animation project or my comic!
Seeing as I usually would even out at around 90-something pictures at the end of a year, that's pretty crazy.
Now I do want to get back to a more steady workflow again and of course take on new commissions. All in due time however, as I need to finish a few other things first before I can focus on commissions again. I will announce it properly on all the channels I am active on. So stay tuned for that. :3



Sugar Sammy

Love those big balls, especially in the net. Also need more dragons!