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Oh look! It's a new comic page! Over a month since the last one!

Okay, I'll stop with this. ;P I have come to terms with the fact that this project is gonna take a me long time. I have clearly overcomitted and piled too many projects on myself and now I'm suffering the consequences.

So you'll have to excuse with progress being slow. I am getting better at drawing comic pages however. I also decided that I'll probably not do the sketch previews anymore as they make the drawing process go on even longer. You can still very much give your feedback though and I would be happy to change things around if you have any criticism. :3

For those who would like to contribute to the rest of the comic story, the script is still up and you can add comments - just please add your Patreon name so I know who I can credit for it. :3 Here's the link. 

I was actually dreading working on this page, because it shows the waiting room for the auditions. Originally I wanted to have at least four other characters there, but I eventually cut it down to two. I don't think there is any benefit in stressing myself to come up with more random characters just for the sake of having them. It saves me time to work on other stuff.

If you do read the script for this page, you'll notice that the dialog here is not present in the script. I originally wanted to jump right to Rick entering the audition office, but that felt too rushed with two other characters already waiting. I was really at a loss of ideas after the second panel, but my lovable tiger dad Asyr did suggest the joke with the condom, so thanks to him! :3

All in all I am definitely improving on the drawing side of things. When I started out with the first and second page I was REALLY stressed. My heart was racing and I almost quit a few times. I did even consider scrapping the comic before I started working on this page. But I knew that it would let down a lot of you, who have been looking forward to it. And I have already cancelled enough comic plans, that I want to see this through.

I have made my peace with the slow update process however. Maybe it will get better over time.

Anyway, all that's left for me to say is that now I am finally confident to work on the comic more so I will post the first page publically as well! I'm already nervous about what comments may await. Wish me luck! x3

And of course: Enjoy! :3




I’m so excited to see this continue! Keep up the amazing work and try not to burn yourself out!


I'll try my best! I want to mix it up with other projects - the growth series for instance has been so much fun that I want to do that again - but of course it comes at a detriment of the progress of the comic and other stuff. If only a day was 36 hours long. x3