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Hey remember back in february when I said I would start working on a comic? Well only two months later, I actually managed to finish page 02!

I seriously apologize for taking so long with this. I didn't expect this to be such a difficult undertaking, but working on the second page made me realize that I still had a lot to learn. Drawing an entire page instead of just one picture takes a lot more energy and I realized that I started overcomplicating the tiniest details.

Eventually this process lead me to take things less serious though. I think with every page I finish, it will become easier for me. :3

Compared to the sketch, I switched things around here a little to give the porn segment more room. :P Next page is gonna show the audition room filled with other characters. I am not looking forward to drawing that! x3

Let's hope that page 03 isn't gonna take another two months to finish or I might die of old age before I get to the sex scenes.  :P





Night is so handsome ☺️


Cant beat the husbando tiger

Wolfie Randolf

This kid has NOOOOOO idea what he's getting into with the porn industry I bet.