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When Sverre and Asyr were ironing out the details of their business contract, there was definitely a strong sense of competition between the two. Thankfully, Asyr had a few tricks up his sleeve: One of them was offering up his son's ass in exchange for a signature. ;P

Finished YCH picture featuring the character of Tigerlover1 and of course my tiger dad Asyr ;3

This idea has been sitting on my hard drive for a while and I hadn't gotten around to drawing it. I was a little worried about the amount of work that was gonna be necessary for this, as three character pictures can turn out tricky. I was expecting this too, since I had some trouble with the pose at first. It seemed too "bland" and I had to rework it a couple of times.

After the basic sketch was done however, things went pretty smooth. Overall I'm surprised how fast things went by. And I really like how the final picture turned out. :3




Duke Nauticus

Pleasure making business. ;>


👍🏾 Nice!