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Even though Ty already had an eventful birthday, it seems like his party is only just about to get started! ;3

This was a picture I did for Karnaltiger as a gift for TyHanson!

I had a lot of fun working on this one. I don't think I'll ever get tired of drawing buff tigers. ;P It's pretty cool to see how far I have come in the recent years, art wise. 

I can get a lot done really quickly because I know exactly what to do. It's not a whole lot of "oh god how do I even start with this" moments now anymore. This confidence took a long time for me to build up. Because it can really tear you down when people point out mistakes or voice negative opinions about your work. I still have times when I doubt myself as I think that's just part of being a good artist.

Anyway, I'm really happy how this turned out! :3





Wow, Nice blowjob <3


All the candles he could wish to blow 😜