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So Teren just started as a new dancer at a local strip club and Night was tasked to introduce him to all the details and show him a few details. Teren was more than eager to listen, but kept getting distracted by his good buddy being so close and so very naked! ;3

This is a picture for my good friend Teren. I've been meaning to draw something for him for months now and since it's been a Halloween tradition for me to draw him a picture during this season, it seemed like an appropriate opportunity to finally get around to it.

Originally this was supposed to be a Halloween themed picture, but I liked drawing both of their bodies so much, that I didn't want to obscure them with any kind of additional clothing. x3 So I changed it to a stripper themed picture on the fly!

This was particularly relaxing for me to work on and I really enjoyed putting these two characters in this setting. Might be an opportunity for future ideas. :3





Night works in a nightclub? 😻 Where is this haha. Very nice pic! Just drown me in those pecs~

Sugar Sammy

This is fantastic! I'd be there every day of the week!

Duke Nauticus

This is kinda cute. x>