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Hey guys, I have a little something that I need to address.

I was just reviewing my current patreon supporters here and noticed a bunch of people who had been declining every single payment to me. Those guys had chosen the $1 tier and had been patrons of me for several months.

This kind of behavior really pisses me off. I've been trying my hardest to make this Patreon fair and open to everyone. It was always meant to be an option for people who want to support me, to get a little something in return. I totally understand when people do not have the money and so I didn't want to punish those people - hence why all Patreon tiers get the same reward.

So to not even give me the minimum amount, but taking my content, is just something I will not tolerate. Patreon gives me a good overview of how much every supporter has paid me in total. And when I see someone following me for a couple of months and denying every payment, giving me 0$ in total, I will just outright block them.

I'm sorry for being so angry about this, but it really feels like a slap in the face for me. I'm gonna try my best to give you guys more content and more options to contribute ideas for pictures and animations, but this kind of behavior is just not okay.



That's really sucks! Sorry Dream, I can understand why you're pissed


You have every right to feel that way. I had no idea they could do that "trick" on patreon. I think you're doing the right thing, it's not fair that you have cheater people... ...even a disrespect for those who really support you.

Sugar Sammy

Some people are fuckin assholes. Your rewards are really reasonable. Also who would really be stingy and decline a fuckin dollar? A DOLLAR. pathetic

Rex Aurum

no dont worry about it. youre making complete sense. id most likely do the same in your position. sorry that this happening man


No te molestes en pedir disculpas que nosotros entendemos qué pasa aquí, pues ciertas personas no tienen ni la más MÍNIMA IDEA de lo mucho que es brindar contenido de calidad y con mucho esfuerzo. (Pd: Keep going, Dream!!)


That's why I changed my payment. I have been blocked by 2 artist cause I had trouble with paying via credit card. And I totally understand if Artists block you if you dont pay the Tier you subscribed for.


Completely understandable! Do what you have to do! Honestly I was shocked when I came across your page and all the tiers were the same. So I refused to only pay $1 for such a generous person.


I just recently discovered an option that enables the payment upon subscribing, meaning that as soon as you become a patron, the first payment will be made automatically. Those people basically just subscribed for free.


It really ticked me off. I mean, if you don't have the money, that's okay, but to intentionally refuse to pay is just not alright. And thank you for your support.


When a payment is declined, Patreon will notify me differently. This had nothing to do with a payment not going through. They were basically pressing a button that said "No I don't want to pay."


That its very kind of you. I wanted to give everybody the same reward because I am grateful for any kind of donation. And I understand that a monthly charge can pile on quickly, if you support other Patreons as well. So I didn't want to put a paywall up and punish those that couldn't afford higher tiers. So to see some people not even wanting to pay the minimum amount is just disdainful.


I'm surprised that this is even possible. Patreon shouldn't show you content if you aren't paying for it. I thought that was the whole point of Patreon.


I can't imagine anyone doing that but we do live in egocentric. I think you're fully justified in your feelings about this and should take the options you deem appropriate (e.g. blocking). Personally, I appreciate the time and effort people put into their art.

Trevor Delgado

Interesting, my card declined this month (needed to update it in patreon) and it didn't show me content for anyone that was on that card till I updated it. Maybe them seeing content w/a declining card is/was a bug they fixed/are fixing?


Well I think in general it's a good idea to have content accessible to people who already paid but decide not to for a month or two. Since you basically paid for content, you should be able to access it. But of course it opens the possibility of exploitation.


No, a declined payment is shown different to me than a denied payment. And even if I were to give them the benefit of the doubt, that it was a problem with their payment method: Don't you think it's weird that they didn't fix it in a timespan of 3 months or more?


*nods* it's like a fair weather friend that when they come over to visit eats the food provided, and doesn't bring any snacks to share, and doesn't actively make the event any better.


I'm sorry, that kind of behavior is so rude to you. I sincerely respect your ability to make your artwork on here available to whichever tier is most affordable to everyone. I really enjoy your artwork and upped my tier considerably after reading this in hopes you continue to make more amazing artwork!