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From this years Eurofurence, Asyr and me performing a lightsaber duel! Recorded by @BlackymoonOtter

It was the first time for us to try something like that, so it's wonky and far from perfect, but I touched it up as far as I could and I think it looks neat! :3 Enjoy!


Eurofurence 24 - Tigers of the Force! - Lightsaber Duel

Performed at Eurofurence 24, 2018 Fursuiters: @TigermanTweets and @AsyrTiger Recorded by: @BlackymoonOtter Fursuits created by Easyday: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/easyday-/ Lightsabers by UltraSabers: https://ultrasabers.com/ Asyr and I performing a little lightsaber duel at Eurofurence 24! Still a bit wonky, far from perfect, but we had a lot of fun and our audience (off screen) seemed to enjoy it as well! :3 For those interested, here's the backstory: This performance was our attempt to create a fursuiter lightsaber duel from scratch. With no prior experience, Asyr and I put together this little fight scene by ourselves. After purchasing two lightsabers with heavy grade blades from the lightsaber manifacturer UltraSabers, we set out to devise a choreography for both of our characters. Since we live a considerable distance from each other, we could only meet every few weeks for training. Coming up with a fight choreography proved difficult for us as well, as we had to make sure we were able to perform it while in a fursuit. That meant that movement needed to be slower, with a focus on the upper body. Eventually our choreography was much shorter than we had expected and we had to pace it more slowly, than we originally anticipated. After the moves were finalized and practiced, putting together a fitting music was another challenge. I had edited together versions of various duel music from the Star Wars films, but since we hadn't trained to synchronize our movements with the music, it turned out to be tricky to find a fitting score. The final obstacle proved to be the performance itself. Originally we had intended to perform our duel after nightfall, so the colors of the lightsabers would stand out more. Not only that, but we also should have been aware of the background here, as the light coming through the windows weakens the lightsaber effect considerably. I tried to negate this by adjusting the colore palette and bringing forward the lightsaber colors where I could. In addition, I added the clash effects as well as sounds to give it a look closer resembling the films. Despite all the shortcomings, I think we delived a solid performance for our audience. We definitely learned a lot from it. There is a lot of room for improvement, but we already have ideas on how we can do a better job next year.


Sugar Sammy

Lol. Decent choreography