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Brats having sex like it's an open challenge 😂

I like this ship for the funny bickering possibilities haha
I'm eager to play the new Archon Quest ft. Scara in hope it'll unlock more Scara ships for me - I think my favorite now is still DottoScara but I want to see what else can interest me... 👀 

Thanks MYR for your precious suggestions on the dialogues!



Denice ._.

did you pull for scara yet? 😩


love how childe knows how to handle that brat 🔥


Ok so I was initially super hyped for his gameplay, but after playing a couple rounds in the trial I decided I'm not going to pull - I expected him to be somehow more dynamic. While the flying mechanic remains SUPER COOL, it's not overall as exciting as I need a chara to be in order to make me pull 😩 who knows, maybe playing the quest changes my mind!

Denice ._.

aw well 😕 sorry it was disappointing. i think he’s fun to play 😭 he’s still a complete asshat so his personality didn’t change much hehe


I started having a lil sex sympathy for Scaramouche, but seeing both of my love-hate characters makes me weak. ESPECIALLY that close up to Scara's 🍆 and Childe's 🍑. It's super hot, I'm living for more of it, fucc 🥵🥵🥵


Oh I love his personality! I just tend to save wished for tall characters I simp for or SUPER GOOD gameplays (recently I've pulled for my waifu Yae, Cyno, Kazu) - overall I tend to be very stingy with pulls so I'm saving up for Alhaitham, Kaveh, Dottore and my beloved.... BAIZHU 💚 Enjoy playing your big-hat little brat!!

Denice ._.

i need to be more like you with my wishes 😳 because i will be trying for itto too smh. i will!!!! haitham should up next 😉 i wish you luck ❤️

Malek Yazura

Well FUCK ME SIDEWAYS thats hot! Love to see a Brat put in place by Childe, ESPECIALLY this one 🥵🥵


Yessss I love their dynamic so much!! Really hoping you'll do more ChiScara stuff in the future!!

Mir Ventura

Fuck him up, Childe!!!! Gods I love the idea of them trying to fuck each other into submission and no victor XD

Jennifer Paredes

Also I ship Scara with every male in the game I swear, anyone that’s will to fuck him


Being a versatile brat himself, it explains why he knows how to do it 😏