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"Not just a show" 



PART 3 - next week!!

Soo happy I'm about to have this comic all done! It took me longer to complete because of personal life issues and I'm sorry for this, didn't mean to keep you waiting so long 🥺 but I can promise it'll be done soon and I'm looking forward to showing it to you⁓

Really hoping you're enjoying it so far! 💝

Once again, a HUGE THANK YOU to my dear beta reader LEADEN MYR who's also a great help for the whole comic development!  It wouldn't be half as good without them 🥺🤲💖





First and foremost, thank you for the update but I hope you realize that no matter how often you post, we're always going to be happy (And lustful) to see what you give us. So please don't be hard on yourself and feel like you have to apologize. It's a privilege to be here, partaking of the pretty art you give us. Okay now I'll focus on the art. I love your details. You really go above and beyond on the details and they're so fun to look out for. For example, focusing on the very lucky Baizhu. His teary eyes, his fangs poking out (I was imagining him biting into Zhongli's shirt lol), hell even the way you drew his sweaty hair in the last panel. Fucking gorgeous (I mentioned it in the last post but I really do love the jewelry you've given him, especially that lovely cock ring). As for Childe, his expression in the second panel is fantastic. You can clearly see how much he's enjoying (And being overwhelmed) by everything that's happening. I also love how tightly he's holding on to Baizhu (He became a pretzel practidally in this comic lol) and how much he loves the way Baizhu says his name (And who could blame him?) As for Zhongli? The way you protray him will always be one of my favorite things. There's love in his every gesture, even when he's being very naughty like this. I love how take charge he is here, taking good care of his lovers. The mother f'ing kiss with Childe? The command to Childe to not pull out? (And why is the phrase, "Be a good boy" so damn sexy?) And his praise to Baizhu at the end, the way he looks at his lover. You can tell Zhongli is so very in love and the romantic in me lives for this shit. I may be a horny perv often, but I'm also very much a romantic. Thank you for sharing Part 2 of this. It really is absolutely delicious.