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Thank you for being here again!!

Here's what is guaranteed to come out of my Artsy Kitchen this month!

  • ZHONGZHU comic page ( [ Zhongzhu ] )

  • GALLADAY comic (one more sneak peek below hehehe)

  • HEART OF STONE Episode 4 (this is going to come out later this month, as I only have the pages drafts for now!)

The rest is for us to plan!! I haven't been able to play a lot in the past weeks, especially Genshin, but I would like to get back into it and draw some rare ships based on the current event - I miss doing it!

This month you'll be able to decide if you want a "special" poll (featuring ships I haven't drawn in the past 3 months), to give a chance to some old ships, or a regular one without restrictions! Choose in the form below! 

I'll post the poll with your suggestions in a couple days!


( Here's an alternative link for app users who can't click the above one:  https://forms.gle/USPfe4WrqnbUBGkj6 )

I want to THANK YOU for always suggesting delicious prompts in the EXTRA comments form field!! I often scroll through your submissions for inspiration and it helps a lot! Maybe you can recognize your own prompts from time to time haha



This is just a quick notice that I'll be on holiday from June 6th to June 13th! 

I've prepared something for my absence, unfortunately not as much as I wished - honestly right now I would only like to shut the doors of my room to the world and draw for a week straight!! But, you know, when everything is already booked, last minute decisions are no longer an option 😂

I can't already can't wait to be back and draw all day looong!! (●ˇ∀ˇ●)



I so love and appreciate how organized all of your posts are. Gives me as much satisfaction as the actual content does lol ❤️


Really? Hahah I'm glad to know!! I sometimes wonder how my posting schedule is perceived. I wonder if maybe somebody would enjoy a random one more so they can get "surprised" or if my organized (for as much as I manage to keep it organized) way of composing and posting is preferred so it's a very interesting insight 💜


Such a great opportunity and my head is...empty😭😭 I'll have to prepare for next time


I leave the form open for some days so you have time to submit a prompt maybe tomorrow if the night brings you inspiration 💖