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As most of you may already know, my boyfriend and I moved cross-country at the beginning of May. Not only was our old apartment full of issues that were building up, but the recent rent increase forced us to take drastic actions for the sake of our financial security and mental health. Due to all the accumulated stress both of us experienced during that time, which had been building up exponentially since the start of 2020, we needed a much-deserved break from writing after moving to our new state. Because of that, I haven't been able to finish as much work as I'm comfortable charging you Patrons. I technically just finished writing out a sequel to "Private Brady's Private Mishap," but I know that's not enough to warrant my Patronage.

I officially paused payments for June, but I'll resume things as usual come July. Hopefully the additional time will give me the opportunity to upload more content for you all, and make up for my unannounced break as I get back into writing more comfortably. If you want to still show your support, you can donate to my Paypal directly. I just didn't think it was fair to charge you guys for ONE thing this whole month. I have a lot planned though, and my new living conditions will be a big factor in me getting back to writing at a more comfortable and consistent pace. 


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