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Welp, I decided to start work on the Donation Pool story a little early, and get some proper story setup in place before all the action! I have about 6700 words written so far; however, I'm going to wait and finish a few of my commissions before completing this story. Hopefully that will get me some more entries to the story's Donation Pool, while also gartering up hype for what I have so far. 

[UPDATE] The story is officially written out in full! Enjoy, ya perverts~


Return to the Brood 4

Two Weeks Later A dark, desolate cloud was hovering eerily over the Crystal Empire, shrouding the former Equestrian city in an ominous shadow. What used to be a beautiful, shimmering Empire full of gorgeous architecture and plantlife, had morphed into an ugly shadow of its former self. Every bui...


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