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First of all, I want to wish everybody a happy and safe Halloween! Even though I wish that the last couple years didn't affect the holiday so much, I think we all deserve a night of costumed fun. ;)

Anyway, it's been made clear from my remaining projects that there's still a lot for me to do. Because of that, I wanted to say first and foremost that the Randomizer will be put on hold until January of 2022. I know that the idea got me a lot of fun and unique stories; but at the same time, I want to give higher-paying patrons a chance to really get their own work guaranteed from time to time. It's been brought up before that some changes should be made for this Patreon to grow. So in an attempt to improve myself, the Randomizer will be replaced with a new system of story distribution at the end of this year.

Furthermore, I'm going to try and keep the remaining polls focused on the stories that have been confirmed, but not finished yet. Although, I'll be sure to keep other new entries added for the sake of variety and fan-fare. I currently have several personal projects that I plan to work on this week, including the Donation Pool-funded sequel to the Return to the Brood series. I addition, here's a confirmed list of projects that I intend to complete next:

- The Gallus/Terramar M/M fic (which won last month's poll)
- Return to the Brood 4
- 2 privately-funded commission projects
- Chapter 6 of Shining Armor's 'Father's' Day Special
- Completing the PDF edits and cover page for the Brushed Away physical book (hopefully before 2022)
- The remaining four Patreon stories from this year (which will also be finished by 2022)

I know that there's a lot for me to do, and a ton of projects yet to be completed. But I have some big plans coming to expand my writing prowess, and put out much bigger content by the time 2022 comes around. Who knows? Maybe I can try making a legit horror novel or something. Either way, expect for the rest of 2021 to be wild as hell~


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