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At the current moment, I have a whopping SEVEN stories from the past several months' Patreon polls. The last thing I want to do is delay output, or keep my dedicated Patrons from receiving any content from me while showing their support. But at the same time, I know there's no way I can adequately finish everything on my plate if I took two more stories for this month's polls as well. Because of that, I'm not going to have any poll or randomizers for August; instead, this month's poll will be for which of the six upcoming projects I should work on first (the Connie from Big Mouth one will automatically be my next story after finishing a Brojangles commission). Futhermore, I'm going to be posting an Advisor thread in regards to the future of Randomizers, since I feel like the concept needs to be changed drastically to ensure better content in the future.

Don't worry though! I'm gonna be busting my ass for the remainder of this month, so any support would be more than appreciated. My boyfriend's birthday is coming up on the 23rd, so it's really important nowadays to stick around and help out if you can. :)


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