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I really, really wish that this post was a joke. But sadly, I can confirm that since Friday night, my car had been stolen from my apartment complex.

I had the engine running to heat it up (I know, I should've locked it. I'm a dumbass). But before I could go out and get groceries, the car was missing from the parking lot! I already filed a police report, notified my insurance provider, and made several posts about it on social media. Unfortunately, the car still hasn't been found, and I'm seriously doubtful it'll be found in good condition.

I've been writing full-time as a job since July of last year due to Covid, and I seriously wasn't making enough money to afford a new car. But as of now, it seems that I can't do much nowadays. My BF and I have a bike that we can get around in, so we won't be too screwed when it comes to getting food or groceries. But given the circumstances, it's really hard for me to feel too confident about many things. 

My next project is going to be a commission for two of my Patrons, which'll be a SPH-themed story centered around Sunburst and Stygian. I have a few other projects slated for after that, so there isn't much I can do story-wise to help raise funds. But if you wanna help me out, you can either:

1.) Continue your support for my work on Patreon, and recommend my channel to others so they can get involved as well.
2.) Check out my boyfriend's FimFiction account for commissions. A couple of my Patrons have gotten stories from them recently, and can attest to their quality.
3.) If you want to help me more directly, I have a PayPal link for donations. I have a lot of bills coming in, and any amount can really help before the stimulus checks come in.


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