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Well, it's been over a year since I first started this page, and I've been able to write a substantial amount of content in that short span of time. I've also been able to use this site as a means to improve my financial situation, and I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am for that. Even though I'm currently working a full-time job, this site has saved my ass in multiple occasions in terms of paying unexpected bills, credit card debt, and essentials like gas and groceries. And because of that, I want you all to know how truly thankful I am to receive your Patronage.

Now with that being said, I was wanting to ask for your guys' feedback in regards to what I might do next. Even though I'd consider my Patreon to be fairly successful, I want to know what I could do to make this page better. Is there anything I should try to implement or change in upcoming months? Because with the pace I'm going now, I want to make sure I'm providing consistent, high-quality content that won't break my back every month. Not to mention, I wouldn't mind taking ideas that could get me more Patrons in the future. So if you guys have an ideas for what I could do, please feel free to comment with your suggestions.

Also, a big reason I'm asking this in a thread format is because I was needing advice for something else. As some of you may know, I'm currently using an old HP laptop which is in very poor condition. And unless I take a massive commission worth over $300, I doubt I'll be able to easily budget for a new one anytime soon. So because of that, I was considering taking donations through Paypal or KoFi to fund towards a new laptop. I wasn't sure whether or not to make small goals in exchange for donations, or to offer a large reward for reaching a $300 goal (enough to buy a Chromebook and hard drive), but any suggestions would be welcome. I considered making a donation poll for a fan-favorite project, but I felt like that was too similar to what I do here every month. 

Anyway, any suggestions or feedback would be more than welcome, and greatly appreciated. I'm currently over 3K words into Part 2 of Creating A Lineage, and I hope to finish this story up by the end of this weekend (fingers crossed). So until then, feel free to contribute to this thread and help this page grow.


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