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The misunderstandings are on a new level! 



thank god


Love everything you said about Hwihyun lol He really needs to leave Hyewon alone! That last conversation where Dahye was present, knowing what was actually going on, was hilarious! She's very observant. Glad Yujung and Changjin had that talk, but oh my, it's not looking good from the preview...


i can't describe how much i love yujung. and i can't wait for the next episode😭



ali pon

Highlights: (Apparently I have so many feelings.) The 20 minute break needed after the DJ + DH ex-room soul crushing visits.. also I don’t want them to get back together even though he’s lovely she could do “better” — he’s a dummy. Lovable but a dummy. The room made me feel like she poured way more into keeping the relationship together than he did.. I got why she said she felt small. She was begging him to stay in the end and he was saying what do I need to say to make you let me go after their previous back and forth.. The butter gasps!! That was way too much butter for that amount of rice. I love that you pointed out that these weren’t real girl selected dates because they are filtered by the mens decisions I hadn’t thought about that. “It must be the guy I’m thinking.” No bro it’s your bestie. We should nominate Hye Won as MVP of the episode because she gave us some amazing defeated moments and though I feel bad for her I also can relate to that state of mind. Her with the crumpled notes and messy hair in the ex-room.. calling out her idiot ex. Seriously does Hwi Hyeon have the lowest emotional intelligence ever studied?! Da Hye can be the runner up for her forcing Yu Jung to stay behind and hash it out after keeping such composure in that trio convo..

ali pon

Oh also—the preview is insane—loved that you both looked absolutely shocked every frame of it.. and isn’t that a NEW GUY in one of the shots? In a black hoodie and black hat?!?! I love watching along with you!!! 😘


I really hope nobody was mean to Sangjeong and maybe she is crying because her Ex has joined the show?! I don't understand how others are not interested in her.


everytime yujung has a one on one convo with a guy (esp ones she is not interested in) I am taking notes like this woman just KNOWS how to hold her own in a conversation

Lynn Pratt

Wow, didn't expect the x room to effect Dongjin more than Dahye. But when he was talking about it, I think it clicked for me that tho he doesn't show it as much the breakup is definitely hitting him harder now. And a lot of that has to do with guilt and a lack of control. She was his rock in the toughest times in his life, she did as much as she could to make up for the sacrifices he made. Shes such a purely good person, and clearly loved him sooo much, yet none of that changes how he feels and I think he's kind of mad at himself for that. He wanted to do right by her, but he can't control that his feelings changed and now in his eyes he's become a traitor who couldn't keep his promise to make her happy.


the preview is sooo juicy also peep juwon's straight hair😍 hwihyun's def catching lashings from the public which is deserved...the nerve to call ur ex unattractive while you called her to be on the show. very immature and very selfish. also ngl rooting for kwangtae he gives loser, and i feel like he def has a good heart and deserves someone who can give her the same energy. also i love seokyung sm and i understand what she means by being attached to her ex cause jt shows, she's not necessarily being super flirty but u can tell she's the most comfortable around him so this loud super affectionate side of her comes out around him


Episodes like this one make me realize the show we are getting is far from how the participants experienced everything. I try not to be judgemental, because a situation can be so obvious to us viewers, but apparently it's not when you've been in the house for just 9 days and so much is happening around you. Like, what do you mean no one knows who Yujung likes?? Also, why do people say this episode was boring??

Lynn Pratt

It seems like Changjin wanted to do the show for closure, but Yujung just wanted to continue moving on and feels like coming here has hindered rather than helped that process. When they're having it out in the living room and she's all "there's no point in talking about it, it's done" it feels like she's maybe afraid of hashing out their breakup bc she might be rediscover some lingering feelings for him and (unlike Dongjin who is genuinely pained and guilty for having ended his relationship and probably wishes his feelings hadn't changed after so long) she reeeally doesn't want to confront that. And tbh I think that's actually pretty valid. Sometimes we put too much value on "closure" when in reality sometimes the process of seeking it just has you talking in circles trying to change things that can't be changed. It's not always productive, and in those situations the best thing you can do is give the pain time and space to fade away naturally rather than picking at the scab. Though, this whole show is a big ol scab scraping party, which is awful for them but makes for great tv lol.


Shoutout to the producers for picking the song at 53:00 Fall in Love by Youngjae of GOT7 ❤️




can we talk about the way Dongjin and Dahye's entire relationship had to be a secret and he was dating a goddess but couldn't tell anyone or talk about her to his friends and had to be invisible and even now when he is revealing the whole thing in front of the entire country of Korea and the whole world he is STILL somehow in this bizarre situation where has to maintain the secret in front of all the people he is living with I mean how many planets in Scorpio do you think this man has

Sarah Figueras

I hate seeing Hye Won so insecure like you are a DIPLOMAT ma’am please stop simping after a stupid boy

Kyle Simmons

My sick and twisted mind was like "OOhh maybe Yu Jung, Ju Won, and Chang Jin can be the Korean version of Couple to Throuple?" Then I had to scold myself to get rid of the bad, intrusive thought.


no cos I had never seen the show before watching your reactions (figured I may as well since I'm here haha) but I'm HOOKED, I've went back and I've almost finished season2 as wellllllll and omg that season is a bit insane, I need someone to tell me if anyones reacted to this as I can't find anyone on yt lmao 😭

Britta Carlson

just a heads up, this reaction video is missing from your collection<3