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The trailer for the next episode gagged me. Come on exchange team give us more... bring 2 more new participants lmao. I wonder if the 16 episodes are fix. How can they fit 2 weeks in 8 more episode and we didn’t see Hwihyun and Seokyeong date yet


the way I screamed for dahye at the end! I've been rooting so hard for her this whole show. I rlly hope things go well for her

SayA !

Yay for Dahye. Though they both still seem to like their ex. Loved the Miss A shout out (Miss A - I don't need a man). I like Yujung even more now. lol


I need dahye to have a happy ending in this show or I will literally die. I'm rooting so hard for her

Claire Kiwanuka

The way we all screameeed when it turned out to be Dahye he was asking. Yes, our girl is back in the game!!!! I can’t wait for next weeks mess 😌

Lisa H

I was wondering the same ! I guess we'll have many more 2h++ long episodes coming up


i am so fucking gagged about evvvverrryythhhiinnngg

Lisa H

I think it's funny Dahye keeps calling Chang Jin Chang Min bc she said she was a tvxq fan 😆

ali pon

I want to spoil the couples so bad.. the fact that two are still without their match and you can't figure out which ones are there has me dyinggggggg. All of your guesses had me giggling the whole episode!! This was such an amazing episode reaction--best ever. Thanks for watching this with us! And can't wait for our girl Dahye to find herself a new love! Dongjin might be a fit sweet guy but I sense she would be more compatible with someone that has a bit more happening mentally. I'm not implying he's dumb but I have often found him lacking depth.. he seems very much like a guy guy.


please analyze the 6 words Matthew said over the course of 2 1/2 hours LOL


I don't understand why they are expected to show loyalty and confirm who they are interested in this early on, I don't think there is anything wrong with what kwang tae is doing, it's normal to want to know everyone and be nice to everybody.

Ellie White-Stevens

That was HIGH entertainment. Thanks RJ and Adam. This show brings it, but so do you girls, every single d@mn day.


Kwangtae in the bookstore when Seokyung walks in is literally Ken in the Barbie moviel... "Oh hey, you've caught me reading"


Dahye STAYS the main character. Her (*cough* sapphic *cough*) friendship with Hyewon puts the biggest smile on my face. Her adorable realization and description of figuring out her type was everything AND the fact she immediately landed the first man she actively sought out had me cheering. I was actually punching the air. "See you tomorrow" 😭💖


So much has happened in these 2 episodes, but still, the most shocking and memorable is the preview of next ep where my girl Hyewon is having a nearly hysterical cry.. I feel so bad for her!! and can totally relate.. and thank you Sangjeong for juggling all those wine glasses


"korean ross geller" blew my mind ngl I wasn't even thinking that he looks familiar but now that you said this YES

Britta Carlson

I truly apologize if this comes across as rude or condescending or anything... I just had something that came to mind that I wanted to address... and I know I'm just being dramatic... but when Gwangtae mentioned having things he was self-conscious about with his face, your reaction was kind of hurtful... I'm sure you know we all have hangups... but as someone who likely has dysmorphia and has a hard time looking in the mirror, and has camera phobia (I get mocked or guilt tripped over this in most cases) to the point that I haven't allowed even family to photograph me for about ten years now... I have to say that you can look normal as FUCK (which I do) and still have hangups about your face or your body... it just felt pretty insensitive how you reacted and I was pretty bummed...

Britta Carlson

LOL I wasn't actually at all offended by this, but let I remind you that Philly is not the only city in PA... I myself have been living in Pittsburgh for the past 16 years and have spent most of my life in this state<3 The dude probably works in Philly though

Britta Carlson

well if his LinkedIn isn't lying, actually it looks like he works at Penn State University... they're big on architecture/engineering--my sister got her masters in environmental architecture from there, and I got my bachelors in East Asian Studies there in 2007 LOL... it's a good school, but it's in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and about an hour away from my hometown in north central PA... my mind is kinda blown right now...


The way Chang Jin talks kind of reminds me of Ricky