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Boeing being a gay flight attendant feels a little redundant.



I just started watching/haven't finished but I HAVE TO give Jennie Panhan her flowers. She is an ICON at gmmtv. Not only is she used as a host all the time because she's so funny (and everyone at gmmtv adores her), but during the pandemic she REACTED to 2gether on her personal channel and they were sooo good and so funny, they brought me so much comfort. (She also had the actors and P'aof on too). Now, she has a travel vlog on gmmtv too. Tay Tawan and Jennie also had a show where Tay sat her up on first dates with super cute guys and they were a mess. She's just a ton of laughs. She's also an amazing actress. I fell in love with her during 3 Will be Free. It's a pretty serious role and actually had some substance too. But she mostly does comedic roles, like I will always think about her playing Death in The Shipper too. I love Jennie. She's a softy and a huge fangirl at heart. Her charms are endless.


I actually have a theory about the three separate couples and the way they're portrayed/written. First off, let me say, Enchante is my second favorite BL at gmmtv. Enchante was written for dramatic queer english majors like me. I adore forcebook. I'll also say FirstKhao stans were the most toxic fandom during OF (they still are. They hold it against Book/Mew that he dated Ray on the show, despite it being an entertaining plot line that was setup from beginning, but whatever). So, I am biased. I think it was a terrible idea to cast established couples for this show. Some of the tension gets erased bc we know the established couples will get together no matter what. And the fandom couldn't handle seeing the couples get mixed up. Forcebook are romcom actors for sure. They are so skilled at comedy and obviously, that doesn't get to shine through all the angst. Their chemistry is also very sweet. I think they were written less spicy in OF bc gmmtv wanted to preserve their "clean" romcom image. I think they suited the roles, but production held back. It's also well known that many of force's scenes were cut to keep the fandom from absolutely hating him. Jojo admitted to editing based on fan feedback week to week It doesn't work making this couple so vanilla/quiet in a show meant to be melodramatic. It's why most of their scenes are just them talking. It's crazy how many times these two have the same exact conversation over and over again.Khao and First were given so many sweeping romance/fantasy scenes to work with and gave the others dust. It's like everyone got to go on adventures, but not TopMew. FirstKhao are dramatic actors. My least favorite roles from them were their comedic roles. They're great actors and were given piles and piles of drama to work with for this show while topmew had the one conflict. They did a great job. And since they're dramatic actors, they also were given more spice. I love the depths of their scenes and I wish the other characters were as layered. NeoMark were allowed to be as messy and explicit as possible because they're not an established couple. AND! It gave their coupling so much tension bc we didn't know if they'd get HEA or not. But here's the thing, I don't think the show successfully handles their characters by the finale either. It wouldn't surprise me in 2024 that forcebook went back to romcoms and FirstKhao stayed in dramas. And I think that's why the fandom is so divided. These couples are so good doing opposing things.


I am so sorry for this rant. I can't wait for this show to be over, so I never have to think about it again. Lol.


You guys should watch Not Me, I'm not sure if it is react worthy but you need to watch it when you can. Gun, Off, First and Mond act their asses off in it. Gun is def the best actor in GMMTV and the plot is mostly interesting too. But it's funny that GMMTV the biggest example of capitalism produced a show with communism ideology lol


yeah I agree ForceBook do a good job when the scenes are straight forward but in their regular conversational interactions there is no nuances and it is jarring to see that when the scene demands more intricacies

Papuriko Pp

Thanks for the reaction. I really don't mind the pausing, I rather have that and banter than you missing out on dialogue


Why are you watching reactions if you don’t like the show? It’s a good show, that’s why so many people watched it and like it. It’s better to just ignore it than hate on it so much, it obviously just upsets you.


I really enjoy Adam and Rj's react/thoughtful recaps! They've actually given me a better appreciation of the show overall. And fair! This show bothers me but I'm glad other people enjoyed it. I'm thrilled that a queer creative team created a super successful show. There are some things I like. Particularly, I adore Neo and Mark's acting (no one is surprised First and Khao were amazing but NeoMark really stood out to me like never before). I hope they get more shows next year. One of the greatest highlights to me is Sand's and Mark's friendship. The way they lean on each other on the show is actually so heartwarming. I loved their little camping trip. Some of the drama was really entertaining. Mew's villain era was iconic. Listen, when the show is good it's really good, but when the show is bad it's really bad. I think the reason people react to shows and provide recaps of shows is to open up the community for a discussion and I would love to hear your viewpoints/counter points! Tell me what you disagree with with what I said, or maybe tell me something that I probably missed. I'd love to know. No show is perfect and I like analyzing the reason for imperfection! Like RJ in the reaction is trying to figure out the problem and you know what, me too! Haha


I haven't watched episode 12 yet, but I think it would be incredible if the last scene of the show was Boston on his flight to New York and Boeing is his flight attendant. And maybe they hook up. That probably won't happen, but it would be so funny to me.


I love hearing different opinions on show too, so please don't think I'm disagreeing to argue with you or anything. I enjoy the conversation as well. I personally ignore a lot of the "fandom" of tv shows, especially when they are first premiering. People have dramatic reactions and either "love" or "hate" characters. Maybe I was able to enjoy it better because I didn't really care about "toxic fans" and stuff like that. I liked Mew in the show, but really didn't like Ray and Mew together at all because it felt fake on both parts. But I liked that part of the storyline because I liked the story. I kinda disagree about TopMew/ForceBook. I liked TopMew storyline a lot and enjoyed their acting a lot. It was the first show I saw any of these actors in (besides briefly seeing Mark before), so that could also affect my view on it. I lost a little bit of interest probably in episode 5 then this episode, but I felt similarly with SandRay in the early episodes as well. (BostonNick were the only ones I was invested totally in the entire show.) I don't think that makes any bad though, every show has slower moments for some characters, even shows I would call my favorite or 'perfect' shows. I also liked the 'vanilla' feel of TopMew because it fit their characters. Mew wasn't very sexual and Top was trying to 'change his ways' for Mew, it would have been weird to see more sex between them. And I actually really like a lot of their conversations, I wish SandRay and BostonNick had more conversations like TopMew did. With Sand and Ray, their relationship started sexual, so I made sense to be more sexual. Then BostonNick was a sexual relationship to begin with, so it worked. But I liked the more vanilla side of TopMew. I think it wouldn't have been as good with all the characters being overly sexual or messy. I also think TopMew feel the most realistic, with BostonNick shortly behind. SandRay were realistic as separate characters, but together they were definitely more of a 'fantasy'. SandRay were amazing as well, but I feel like their story would have been better if the show was longer or more focused on them. Even with so much focus, their story was rushed a lot. Then TopMew suffered the opposite, it was slow because it was more realistic. Also, they deleted scenes of every character and couple, just like every show does. The director mentioned ONE scene they deleted because they felt like it gave the wrong message of what they were trying to show. I don't think that's the fans controlling the show or anything like that. All shows do it, they just happened to give specifics that upset people. For the 'editting weekly', they were talking about the editing style, like the 'talking heads' vs Sand's episode vs more tension like episode 7. They were talking about something different than the deleting Top scene thing.


I also think the characters feeling more realistic vs fantasy stems from the fact it was based on real people. Top, Mew, Nick, and Boston were based on specific people while Ray and Sand were completely made up. Maybe they felt more freedom with them and the ability to make more dramatic moments between them because of that.


I'm glad we’re in agreement! And again, very fair, I do let discourse affect me. Lol. One of the reasons I joined stan twitter was for weekly discussions and reactions to shows. It makes me feel like I'm watching a show with friends. This is the only show I’ve ever watched where the discussion online was for the most part toxic. I was so surprised! Now that Last Twilight is going on, I'm having fun again. The reaction to OF was unlike I had ever seen. That is a “me” problem, haha. I didn’t like Ray and Mew together either (did not want them to be end game), but I think it was important for their characters. They both needed to try it out and grow from its failure. I really enjoyed that story line too. It was fun! I was entertained~ The internet sucked the fun out bc they couldn’t separate Mew and Book and just attacked the actor. The internet sometimes fails at media literacy. Like I said, I'm biased, but I also loved TopMew’s acting! You could really tell Force enjoyed playing a more villainous role, haha. I think the premise of a good boy/rich bad boy player was good, but the execution suffered because their story was written with less stakes and less impactful scenes. I just wish TopMew had more to do. I think “bad” is a strong word choice. I'm more disappointed their “courting” phase was really simple/too realistic. I just like big romances! And I know they can do it! I watched enchante! And abaab! That’s true, maybe I'm too harsh on the “vanilla” aspects of their relationship. For me, it all comes down to the glaring differences (for example, topmew got a forehead kiss here and a sniff kiss on new year's, where I think the other characters would've gotten to be more passionate). It’s almost too contrasting to the other story lines and it stands out in a bad way to me. And I think that’s why TopMew are in a romcom and SandRay are in a romantic drama because everything they got as characters were simpler/sweeter, which feels out of place sometimes (not that I will complain about fluff. I love fluff) SandRay’s romance just feels so BIG. Now, I will absolutely agree that Top and Mew have the most adult conversation on the show. They funnily end the show with the healthiest relationship! Like that bed scene in this episode is one of my favorites of the whole show. So, satisfying! My favorite part of Mew’s character is how honest he is for sure. I guess, I wanted more mess because that’s what the show promised me XD Maybe Jojo misspoke in that interview, but I can’t! get it out of my head. I wish I was none the wiser! Like I remember them mentioning they cut a lot of Ray’s rehab scenes out bc of time, but the scenes they cut from topmew I would’ve wanted to see XD Oh well! My opinions of the show don’t really change based on what was actually given to us.


Oh my godddd I always forget they're based on real people. I think you nailed it. I think maybe the team would've been a little more creative and willing to put these characters through it, if it was all fictional.


I'm definitely a FirstKhao stan, and I think it is so unfair that people say ForceBook can't act, they can and they have the chemistry to boot. I simply think they haven't been given the right script to really shine. I agree that their storyline became a little too vanilla compared to what was going on with the rest of the couples, so it made me want to skip through it a lot of times. But that is not on ForceBook and fully on these writers in my opinion. I hope they give them something better suited to their dynamic in the future!


I have been waiting for your reaction to this episode and y'all did not disappoint! 🤣 Can't wait for next week 😏 Boeing just stirring ALL the pots

Kyle Mest

I remember that video in Vice Versa with the delay. It drove me up the wall haha. Part of me was hoping that when Nick was seducing Atom, Boston would realize he has a cuckold fetish.


And I nearly passed out from laughing at your reaction at the end hahah Khao's expressions in the pool also killed me.. he's too much! I do have to say I was so upset with Sand this episode ever since Boeing showed up.. He didn't set any clear boundaries with him and seemed like he was way more interested in B than Ray all of a sudden. Just 15 minutes ago he was saying he can't live without Ray!! smh..


Yeah. I definitely think it being based on real people is where a lot of the issues people have with the show probably stem from. There was probably a need/want to portray the real people “correctly” without too many dramatics, then with Sand and Ray they could do whatever they wanted.


Yeah, it’s disappoint when I hear people try to say ForceBook aren’t good. I’ve never seen anything else they were in and really liked them after OF! They were great in this.


The actress that plays cheum is also in Not Me… which is another reason you should watch


I don't think it's fair to say that FirstKhao stans think ForceBook can't act. Not all FirstKhao fans think like that and not everyone who disliked ForceBook scenes are FirstKhao stans. I came into Only Friends knowing none of the actors and in fact, I rarely watch Thai bls because I find them very cringey most of the times. With this, I still find TopMew scenes very awkward and not entertaining, but I do believe it was due to their script. Book acted really well in ep 6-7 where he confronted Top and planned his little revenge. I am now a fan of FirstKhao because their smoke kiss literally altered my brain chemistry and everything they are doing. I just want to clear this up because there are so many fanwars between the two fandoms and it's sad to see. Anyway, I love ya'll reaction and insight because I got to see new prospective and understand things better. The reaction for the last scene was the best one I have seen from all the reactions so far 😂😂😂


whenever there’s a conversation about “stans” only the toxic ones are the ones who make news unfortunately


Oh trust me I know this very well. I started to dislike/stay away some celebs because of their fans. It’s hard to find a fine line between stating your opinion without offending others. No one wants to see their favs get bashed on. I just don’t want FirstKhao to receive hates because they are like the nicest and sweetest people. I don’t know them personally but sometimes I just get the feel and I don’t think that way to everyone that I stan

Kyle Simmons

But Kim Rhodes is a queen so we let her get what she wants.