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Sorry this took like twice as long as the episode, but everyone deserved a good reading. 



I'm gonna be honest when I first watched this episode, I skipped every topmew scene lol. After it aired the director said the scenes with the weird looks from people was suppose to show mews insecurities and the weird ass blind dining was suppose to show mew finally falling for top and letting his guard down. But girl the scenes read totally different for me, I got a creepy vibe and unfortunately I think they did not do a good job portraying the emotions that were suppose to be shown this episode. Sandray on the other hand, their chemistry was palpable through the screen. I could feel them falling in love.


please stop being shady about First's singing 😭 he's trying his bestttt. also those SALT PEPPER PLATE things are call Rae Dunn 😂

jay luna

I feel so seen by RJs reaction to Mew getting lasik hahah


I had to pause and laugh for a full minute at your faces when they cut to TopMew's little bicycle moment



I mean I feel like TopMew was probably the most realistic couple and still very dramatic. But the drama was real: cheating. Boston and Nick were realistic too, but definitely not as common. Sand and Ray were both realistic as well, but the likelihood of someone like Ray and someone like Sand coming together in the first place feels the most unlikely.


Idk, I read those scenes kinda like the director described it. Mew was looking into things that probably weren't that big of a deal, still being so attracted and 'in love' with Top, and being very insecure enough about it to sleep with him because he thinks that's what will make Top like him just as much. Book and Force are good actors for the characters they are playing. They are supposed to be a 'bland' or 'simple' couple compared to the others, because Mew thinks they are this 'normal, perfect' couple while Top is just doing whatever he wants behind Mew's back. The best thing about media is that it's up in interpretation though...


Forget Top not knowing if Mew had pets, I doubt he even knows Mew's government name.

Leila Gomes

I wasn't ever a Boston anti but girl after this episode I was truly mad at him! Even rewatching it right it's making me angry again lol Well, he truly is the drama.


I was just expressing the emotions I went through while watching it and relating to the fact that boys love seemed to have a vague idea of what was happening as well. When I say "they did not do a good job" It is not necessarily a call out of forcebook. I mean the show was a whole so director and script writer included. I personally think things could've been done better on all ends.


i would definitely watch boys love selected episodes of buffyverse, just saying.


I also skipped a lot of TopMew scenes lol They were too cringe for me to handle..


I don't mind a longer episode, we like listening to you talk! Also, I went to a restaurant like the one Top and Mew go to when I was in Berlin, it was really such a cool experience!!

Christopher Carpenter

You think it’s messy now? Just you wait, Henry Higgins. Just you wait.

João (ffmnc17)

"That's a nice top, where'd you get it?" "We won Boy's Planet together."


Every TopMew scene in this episode felt like the beginning of a horror movie to me. I have no idea what is a happening and it's all very ominous.


thank you for validating my top/mew feelings, im almost want to skip through their moments bc they're just going on like NOTHING IS WRONG🤨

Kyle Mest

Speaking of power bottoms, have you seen Park Hanbin presenting like the group’s name is still BLIT in the Saudi Arabia vlog 😂 gurrrrll

Kyle Mest

😂 not me being a haggard old ‘twas that needs to zip it 🙈 I just want the best for all the girlies

Juice Hermit

FIRST of all, love a long episode, keep doing what you're doing!! Second, here's my Boston take since you keep wondering what his deal is: He doesn't actively hate his friends BUT he does take them for granted. Also, he's incredibly self-centered to the point where he lacks the capacity to care how much his self-serving actions might be hurting others, and on top of that, he actively wants to explode his current life because he's suffocating living with his politician dad. He WANTS Top to want him. Like, he doesn't want to be in an exclusive committed relationship with Top, and he himself might not even understand why or in what capacity he wants Top, but he simply just wants his attention and his validation and the fact he's not getting it despite doing what he sees as the "right" things is making him crazy. Because Top is the Top Dog Sex God Ultimate Validation of Boston's sexual prowess and desirability. He can't comprehend how Mew would be "winning" Top over him and he's so sure it's not gonna work out that he's just doing everything in his power to expedite what to Boston is a certain looming end to the TopMew whatever-ship. Like he's button-mashing his way into behaving in increasingly crazier ways and saying increasingly more fucked up things to his friends because he's just so sure that if he hits the right combo TopMew will come to their natural end and Boston'll be able to get Top's attention back on him. It's less about him actively wanting to sabotage Mew and more about his crazy hunger for Top's attention which just gets stronger the harder it is to get, combined with his indifference towards the consequences of exploding his own life. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. My next one will be about the way I'm so thirsty for Boston that he could run his Ford Anglia over my pets in front of me, and I'd still let him hit.


RJ - isn’t that the beginning of what women want? It’s how Mel gibson’s character grew up? I think. His mom was a dancer in Vegas or something.

Papuriko Pp

exactly. and taking things for granted might also possibly include that he cannot take topmew serious since he thinks top and him are the same type of guy and top already cheated on mew. that's some reason to not take at least top serious when he says he wants mew romantically

Tasha Massin

Haley Joel Osment is my favorite child actor all of his movies I have seen him in when he was a kid have made me bawl my eyes out. Pay it forward, Secondhand Lions, A.I. (Artificial Intelligence), The Sixth Sense. He is so good in all of them omg