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We would pay to see Kim Jiwoong and Hui get absolutely demolished! 



It's less like Soojin "left" gidle and more like they kicked her out after a "bullying" scandal. Which after details were revealed seemed more like a ex friends had a regular dispute and the other person came back with a vengeance. But cube famously doesn't give a damn about their idols 🤷‍♀️.


nine.i is releasing a single called neverland soon, the concept pics are giving dreamy pastel fairies so far…maybe something you could be interested in

Chuchu Online

this episode dropped around the same time the Tiffany Dazed shoot behind video did, and Zeroses were blessed with the terrible knowledge that Matthew trained in kickboxing+wanted to maybe do a kickboxing video with someone on the team. now you too know this knowledge

Addo GP

Oooh y'all should definitely react to One Pact's debut, Jay, Jongwoo Yedam & Sungmin are in it plus former Ciipher member Tag!


These Women ... Who can I contact to let them know I am a terrific cook and I can also clean and have a job with stable income, if either of them happen to need help with anything I am very available.


Hui and soojin used to date?!???!!! Wow. Good job hui lol

Nicole S

I was wondering how you guys were going to do this ep as Hui antis *ducks* The thing that makes me angriest about the Hoetaek Boys Planet experience is that MNet were so happy to use him for clout and then paid him dust. I looked into Pentagon after Road to Kingdom and I think more than anything Hui just wants to be surrounded by music (and be loved for his music) and I don't think he expected to "win" Boys Planet. I understand people who were confused about what he was doing there and I think his insecurity really came through in LMR, but I will never forgive them for not giving us one single shot of Hui in the studio with En Garde or Tomboy or Jelly Pop. The Soojin situation is messed up, and came down to no one being able to prove Soojin innocent or guilty - she essentially had to leave for the sake of the group's reputation. The prevailing sentiment among nevies is that things have been blown out of proportion and the fandom is behind her solo debut.