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do you like my apron?



YAASSS IM HERE. Cant wait to start watching

D'Mya Alexander

Wow can’t believe I’m at work when this dropped. I have to wait all day to watch

Lara Fey

Us hwi/seungjin truthers are feeling very validated rn


i'm so here for hwi x seungjin endgame!


1:55 maybe the love fortune is giving...


emphasis on seungjin’s statement… “new happiness” 👀🤭


Another reaction, another reference to the milk video 😂 It will be forever seared into my brain!


I pretty sure at around 32: 50, Seungjij is quoting a famous commercial. I remember The Boyz spoofing it on one of their variety shows.

Zharia Ransom

The people on Twitter still trying to villainize either MK or YJ after their long, heartfelt, reconciliation are killin me. They both admitted their faults, apologized, and moved on and people are still choosing sides and being nasty, it’s so weird. 😭


if I was the producer interviewing Hwi, I would be LOSING it. They'd have to replace me, I wouldn't be able to stop grinning and laughing with him.


the irony if Seongmin ends up feeling like the odd man out during the date, I will laugh for eternity. Just because the vibe of this season is different from the others, doesn't make it bad AND who wants the same things to happen season after season? I love this cast! And I'm so glad YJ and MK talked it out. My favorite parts so far are when they're all together


the teaser for the next episodes had me SCREECHING


the hwi and seungjin FBIs has taken over the HisMan3 twitter tags 🤣


just commenting on bits and pieces while im watching; -looove love love that jaeseung is there, and i feel like some ppl watching this series are just too young to understand him and his persona, that which us, the old dragons can appreciate. crazy how ppl are cursing him when im over here like Adam "sit here" -the neulbin/binneul part yyyEEEESSS im living for some jebi references in other media on your channel -hanmin best boy -mk's little "saesang-e" is so adorable he sounds so goofy -mk/yj were super young when they dated and how they differ a lot with their communication style, sad they couldnt end things in good terms back then, man it was mk's first relationship too aaaaaa


the red outfit… jaesung is trying to pull a sematic error reference that is what it is 🤣


1:19:23 I think the subs are inaccurate, Minseon actually said he thinks Myeongkyun is more interested in him because he's always looking for him


Hwi's my favourite hahahahaha I love his seduction strategy and how pleased he looked just imagining it LMAO. Also his heartbroken chain smoking was peak tragicomedy


I’m sorry maybe i missed it but did YJ actually said “I’m sorry” to MK? Only MK said it, and everything that yj said seems like he’s really only trying to justify everything that he’s done and he truly didn’t feel like he made a mistake or hurt mk at all?? It truly breaks my heart when mk said “I’m sorry” like no you did nothing wrong. Even when mk explained how he felt when they first met at the house and how yj treated him and drew a line (and that’s why he couldn’t call him), yj literally tried to put the blame on mk by saying why he didn’t call him then if he still hopes for a reconciliation. I’m sorry but i just can’t sympathize with yj at all


Remember when Jaesung and Seongmin went on a date and realised they have little in common and not a lot to talk about ? I kind of wonder if half of Jaesung's whole thing with the love triangle is more about competitiveness rather than any substantial connection with Seongmin and part of me feels like if they actually got together they'd feel like there wasn't much there... I'd be happy to be proven wrong though! Also I felt like the editing around Hwi and Seungjin all over these two eps was certainly trying to tell us that something was there between them. Rooting for them, honestly.


apparently they still have 3 days left… I mean a lot has happened on the 1st 3 days pretty sure there’s still room for something for the last 3 days… also… that endgame poster… I’m just not gonna talk about it… but the endgame poster…


so said two bottoms cannot be a couple. fuck that! I’m rooting for my sisters! secure the bag sis!

Vlad Lena

The teaser for the next episodes made me SCREAM too! all this time I am rooting for hwi x jaesung, but I lost my hope (I enjoyed Hwi's seduction strategy TOO much though), but I fully invested to hwi x seungjin and join to ship!!!


After that next episode teaser I'm boarding the hwi seungjin ship first class🙂↕️ I'm all in on this ship


"rainbow Peter Pan Coca Cola" made me laugh so much I was almost hysterical. Jaesung's reactions have an edge of bitterness and desperation that makes me feel for him but his animosity towards Hwi seems outsized and slightly concerning. Seongjin is the best friend anyone could ever have

Samantha Stanis

While watching His Man 3, my friend that I watch the show was constantly talking about HW giving SJ a chance while I honestly wasn't sure if they could become a thing, since HW was all-in for SM. But I'm so down to jump ship and ride this until the very end and even after the show. I'm very happy that YJ & MK had that conversation, though it seems that MK is not over YJ, but is willing to suppress his feelings to make things easier at that house (that's just my assumption). The result of the Letter Boxes was one of my predictions and I'm living to see how the dates play out! I appreciate being able to rewatch with you guys and see the similarities and differences as things go on. Can't wait for the next eps and reactions!

Ellen 101

I've started to just watch the episodes with you guys. It makes the show so much more enjoyable and I laugh A LOT. Thank you!


Jaeseung is one missed date opportunity away from putting on that Seonwoo bonnet and calling it a day.

Fairy mermaid 🧚‍♀️

I will eat a hat with Adam lmaoo we really need Hwi and Seungjin being a couple in the next episode, what a nice twist!

Lindsay B.

The recap is brought to you by water. Y’all are thirsty haha


came here to report that MK's apron is used in the GL "The Secret of Us", so if there's gay sheets, there's now gay aprons. the community owns it now. thank you for your time.


if hwi and seungjin end up a couple.. oh my god im gonna scream i absolutely adore them both

Kyle Mest

It’s “so I think this is the best costume for the day”


the ugliest birthday banner i have ever seen


RJ got possessed by the spirit of Little Edie at the beginning of the second episode. Hahahaha


omg i love your reactions and comments sooo much, yall are hilarious, love u guys 😭❤haha

Lindsay B.

I knew he was leaning towards Jaesung, I felt it 2 episodes ago


My Twitter feed has resurrected that clip of Jiwoong gagging Taerae with the invitation to climb his nose, so when Adam said Jaesung could sit on his, I yelped.


The cinematic parallels of Seongmin’s purse and Hyewon’s purse.


I did not expect MJ to have this personality when he walked in with that face in ep 2. Yeah, yeah, he's not perfect but he comes across as so sweet. His mannerisms are so adorable I can't help but say what a lovely baby. Hwi is adorable too. He's so honest with his feelings and I can see why Seungjin might find it attractive especially because he's someone who struggles to express himself.


we are all watching hwi go crazy in real time😭


i am now heavily rooting for hwi and seungjin. seungjin needed a man, hwi needed to get over seongmin. it's like killing two birds with one stone. and they would be great together. i hope youngjoon&hanmin and hwi&seungjin make it out alive🙏🏼


i am rooting for seungjin and hwi so hard right now

Laura 💙

if my two baby maknaes end up together istg i will scream so loud the noise will reach korea

Pushu Mon

Cute dance & ending fairies !


Oh my god gag of the century


someone on YT said Jaesung never said he "hated" Hwi it was a mistranslation and what he said was actually much milder so please ignore what I said about Jaesung!


go off floveeerr

Pushu Mon

I'll give up on my trouple ship if it can get Seunjin a man